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Pedro Fernandes
Heroes of StarCraft changed the Hearthstone meta entirely. Today, we'll show you the 3 best decks to...
hearthstone heroes of starcraft standard
One of the most popular classes in Hearthstone right now is Hunter, and some of the most powerful me...
decks hunter hearthstone
In this article, check out the top three best decks to get to Legend from the first week of the Grea...
decks hearthstone legend
Battlegrounds Season 8 brought us many changes and, thus, a new meta. Check out every change and the...
battlegrounds season 8 comps
The Traveling Travel Agency mini-set brought us new cards! Check out which ones will affect the meta...
mini-set hearthstone new cards
This deck has no epics or legendaries! Elemental Mage is the perfect tier 1 deck for a F2P player!
elemental mage budget deck hearthstone
Just like any set, Perils in Paradise drastically changed the meta. Check out which decks are strong...
decks legend hs
Gabriel 'total' da Rosa
The new set is here! If you still haven't found time to analyze the new cards, and want to create yo...
opinion hearthstone economy
In this article, we compiled and analyzed data from the "HS Set Review" website to bring to you the ...
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Many decks have come up after the first week of the new expansion. Check out here which are stealing...
decks legend titans hs
A new format has arrived in Hearthstone, and in this article you'll understand how it works, besides...
hearthstone twist best decks deck guide
The Metagame has changed a lot with the new expansion in Hearthstone, check out the 3 decks that are...
Decks hearthstone guide legends
In today's article, we'll look at the best decks for Hearthstone Classic!
Classic Hearthstone Decks
Check out the 4 best decks to get Legend after the release of Maw and Disorder, which changed the Me...
Standard Legend Hearthstone Decks
The Quest Warrior has been dominating ranked for months, and it's one of the best choices for anyone...
standard quest warrior hs deck guide