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Gabriel 'total' da Rosa
In this article, we'll rank all 11 new gifts: the new spells we got to celebrate Hearthstone's 10th ...
trivia hearthstone heroes
We've reached the last release of the Year of the Wolf! In this analysis, we'll see the cards added ...
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In this article, I'll tell you the story of Hearthstone's oldest meme: Ragers! These cards are the e...
trivia hearthstone
Pedro Fernandes
Paladin is by far the class that stood out the most in this meta, and Showdown was the top deck in H...
showdown paladin paladin decks hs decks hs
Rodolfo Nogueira
During Blizzcon we had a lot of news about Hearthstone's next expansion and among them we had the re...
blizzcon hearthstone HS coop
In this guide, I'll explain how to play with the list that got me Legend in October, the Pure Paladi...
guide HS legend
Hey, pal, let's visit Warcraft's Wild West! Showdown in the Badlands is Hearthstone's latest set, an...
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In this guide, I'll teach you everything you need to know to play with the Plague Death Knight arche...
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A new expansion is announced for Hearthstone, bringing new mechanics, new cards, visuals, and much m...
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New Fall of Ulduar mini-set announced. Check out the new cards already revealed and how they could a...
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Many decks have come up after the first week of the new expansion. Check out here which are stealing...
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Thaddius Warlock received many reinforcements in this set, and is quickly gaining space as one of th...
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A deck with no legendaries has emerged from Hearthstone's Titan set, and it can be an excellent choi...
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A new format has arrived in Hearthstone, and in this article you'll understand how it works, besides...
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With the new set coming, everyone has their eyes set on extra packs!
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A new Hearthstone mode was announced by Blizzard, and it is set to replace Classic! Check out here a...
news format hearthstone
Hearthstone features an exclusive and free Lilith cosmetic to pay homage to Blizzard's new title, Di...
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Understand the Pure Paladin deck and learn how to get the most out of your cards! With no nerfs sche...
Deck Guide Standard Pure Paladin