
Deck Guide

Deck Guide: Tourist Paladin - The Perfect Paladin/Rogue Mix!

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Tourist Paladin has become very popular and powerful in the current meta. In this article, we'll show you exactly how to play it!

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Traduit par Joey

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revu par Joey

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  1. > Introduction
  2. > Tourist Paladin
    1. Cards
  3. > Win Condition
  4. > Mulligan - Starting Hand
  5. > Matchups
    1. Aggro
    2. Control
  6. > Final Words


Recently, as The Great Dark Beyond meta stabilized, many decks found more space - including Tourist Paladin! According to HSReplay on January 5th, 2025, this is one of the top 10 best decks in Standard, with a 55.65% win rate.

So, we at Cards Realm, decided to bring you a full guide and show you how to play this Paladin/Rogue mix so you can steal many wins in the ranked queue. Check it out!

Tourist Paladin

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Tourist Paladin got its name from Sunsapper Lynessa, which has the keyword Rogue Tourist. This keyword lets you use cards from other classes when you build decks with it. Furthermore, this minion also doubles any spells you cast if they cost 2 or less (including coins) - so, naturally, this deck plays several of these spells.


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We'll use the Rogue portion of this list (which we'll discuss soon) to draw cards or create coins. Remember, coins will be critical for your strategy because you'll double them with Sunsapper Lynessa. Having a full hand is also great with Living Horizon.

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Let's start with the Rogue resources that invaded this list! As we mentioned before, we'll use Metal Detector, Robocaller, and Oh, Manager! solely to draw and create more coins. Greedy Partner, in turn, might be a Neutral card, but is very popular in Rogue decks, as it gives you another coin.

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You'll also play many other cards to create coins and draw cards, like Hi Ho Silverwing, Gold Panner, and Ethereal Oracle.

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As for Miracle Salesman, Mixologist, Gorgonzormu, and Griftah, Trusted Vendor, they'll give you resources that weren't in your deck before.

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Miracle Salesman is only useful because it gives you a Tradeable Snake Oil, but the other two spells are extremely efficient and flexible. They're also very cheap, which means you'll be able to double them with Sunsapper Lynessa. Some spells that this deck already includes are also better when this minion is in play, like Holy Glowsticks (when it costs 1) and Divine Brew.

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Considering you'll have plenty of card draw, Incindius will be great in this list - after all, you'll most likely and quite frequently get an Eruption with it. Another great minion for this deck is Living Horizon, which, as we mentioned before, costs less if you have a full hand.

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Horn of the Windlord and Prismatic Beam are great removals to deal with enemy threats. Furthermore, Speaker Stomper will be a nightmare for your opponent if they want to play any spells next turn.

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Finally, we have Amitus, the Peacekeeper, which will make your minions more resilient because of its passive effect and because it's a Titan.

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Win Condition

You won't have to rely on a single card to finish matches. Ideally, you'll get a lot of value from Sunsapper Lynessa and your spells. By the way, a great combo is playing this card with Divine Brew because, besides activating its effect, you'll also double the cards you create in your hand. You'll create two Divine Brew (2 Drinks Left!), so you can play this single spell 7 times, and, as you'll cast each twice, you'll cast a total of 14 of them. This way, you can give a minion +13 attack and Divine Shield.

This might seem a complicated, and a bit bureaucratic for a combo, but it's actually quite simple. Below, you can see how I buffed my minion until it had 23 attack, which, in turn, forced my opponent to give up on the spot.


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Gorgonzormu's Cheese also stands out when the matter is doubling effects, considering you'll summon six random minions for two mana with it. This Cheese gets stronger in your hand after each turn, so you'll easily be able to summon minions that cost six or eight with it.

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Other than that, focus on filling and buffing your board.

Mulligan - Starting Hand

Your mulligan is simple. Pick cheap minions to create resources as fast as possible, and fill your board. Miracle Salesman, Hi Ho Silverwing, and Gold Panner are your best options, but Greedy Partner is also welcome.

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Another great card for your first turn is Gorgonzormu. Having Cheese in your hand as soon as possible is critical because this way you'll be able to buff it more and more as the turns go on.

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This deck won't struggle a lot against aggro lists if you're willing to stray off your standard game plan to disrupt your opponent's game plan. Prismatic Beam and Speaker Stomper are excellent in these matchups.

Gorgonzormu is still viable, but you shouldn't hold Cheese in your hand for too long because cheap minions are also great against aggro decks.

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Against slower decks, you can keep Sunsapper Lynessa in your opening hand. This is a bold move, but it is still the best way to create enough value and handle the late game.

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Furthermore, focus on putting pressure on your opponent early on, building a strong board, and buffing it with Mixologist's Potion. Make your opponent work for their win.

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Final Words

Tourist Paladin is definitely one of the best decks in The Great Dark Beyond meta. I hope this article helped you understand and learn how to play this curious, but incredible, Paladin/Rogue mix.

What did you think of this deck? Tell us your thoughts in our comment section below.

Thank you for reading, and see you next time!