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Qu'est-ce que c'est Hearthstone?

Hearthstone est un jeu de cartes à collectionner numérique populaire créé par Blizzard Entertainment. Les joueurs construisent des decks de cartes représentant diverses créatures, sorts et capacités pour se battre les uns contre les autres. Le jeu propose un gameplay stratégique, une variété de mécaniques de cartes et des mises à jour fréquentes pour maintenir l'expérience fraîche et engageante pour les joueurs. Sur le site web Cards Realm, les passionnés de Hearthstone peuvent se connecter avec

Articles tendance

Heroes of Starcraft: 3 New Decks to Test Out!

Heroes of Starcraft is finally here!

Heroes of Starcraft: 3 New Decks to Test Out!

Standard Deck Guide: Hero Power Druid - Now with StarCraft!

Hero Power Druid!

Standard Deck Guide: Hero Power Druid - Now with StarCraft!

Standard Deck Guide: Zerg Death Knight - The Most Efficient Zerg List

Zerg guide!

Standard Deck Guide: Zerg Death Knight - The Most Efficient Zerg List

Standard Deck Guide - Plague Death Knight

Make them suffer!

Standard Deck Guide - Plague Death Knight

Standard Deck Guide: Grunter Hunter - A Partnership Between Warrior and Hunter!

Learn how to play Grunter Hunter!

Standard Deck Guide: Grunter Hunter - A Partnership Between Warrior and Hunter!

Standard Deck Guide: Weapon Rogue - No Legendaries!

Check it out!

Standard Deck Guide: Weapon Rogue - No Legendaries!

Best and Worst Cards from Whizbang's Workshop!

The new cards, rated by the community!

Best and Worst Cards from Whizbang's Workshop!

Hearthstone: Ragers, The Oldest Meme in the Game

Power Creep!

Hearthstone: Ragers, The Oldest Meme in the Game

Battlegrounds: Best Comps for Patch 30.4 and Everything About Season 8

Best battlegrounds comps!

Battlegrounds: Best Comps for Patch 30.4 and Everything About Season 8

Hearthstone Twist: See the Rules and the Best Decks to get Legend

Best Twist Decks!

Hearthstone Twist: See the Rules and the Best Decks to get Legend

Hearthstone Mercenaries: Better farm and bounties comps

Mercenaries Comps

Hearthstone Mercenaries: Better farm and bounties comps

HS: Interview with Páscoa, first Brazilian to go to the World Championship

Grandmasters Páscoa

HS: Interview with Páscoa, first Brazilian to go to the World Championship

Deck Guide: Mech Paladin – Voyage to the Sunken City

Voyage to the Sunken City

Deck Guide: Mech Paladin – Voyage to the Sunken City

Hearthstone Deck Guide: Totem Shaman - Shaman is back on the Meta!

Totem Shaman Deck Guide

Hearthstone Deck Guide: Totem Shaman - Shaman is back on the Meta!

Hearthstone Community Bands Together To Get Maximum Value Out Of New Expansion

Everybody now!

Hearthstone Community Bands Together To Get Maximum Value Out Of New Expansion

HearthStone: New Expansion Announced - Final Showdown in the Badlands!

Check out!

HearthStone: New Expansion Announced - Final Showdown in the Badlands!

Standard Deck Guide - Pure Paladin - The Journey to Legend

For the light!

Standard Deck Guide - Pure Paladin - The Journey to Legend

Whizbang's Workshop: Best Legendary Cards from the New Set!

Safe craft!

Whizbang's Workshop: Best Legendary Cards from the New Set!

Hearthstone Patch 29.2.2 - Review of all Buffs and Nerfs

Nerfs, buffs, and everything in between!

Hearthstone Patch 29.2.2 - Review of all Buffs and Nerfs

Strongest Hearthstone deck from each year!

Historic decks1

Strongest Hearthstone deck from each year!

Nature Shaman - The Budget Deck that Can Kill Your Opponent in One Turn!

Nature Shaman Deck Guide!

Nature Shaman - The Budget Deck that Can Kill Your Opponent in One Turn!

10 Hearthstone and Magic cards that are way too similar

MTG vs HS!

10 Hearthstone and Magic cards that are way too similar

Deck Guide: Elemental Mage - The Best Budget Deck with the New Expansion

How to play Elemental Mage!

Deck Guide: Elemental Mage - The Best Budget Deck with the New Expansion

The Great Dark Beyond: Top 3 Best Decks From the New Set to Get to Legend

Best hearthstone decks!

The Great Dark Beyond: Top 3 Best Decks From the New Set to Get to Legend
