About Arcsplitter
Arcsplitter, Minion, designed by Melvin Chan first released in Dec, 2022 in the set March of the Lich King.
Arcsplitter would fit well in a Mage deck that focuses on generating spells and utilizing a spell synergy strategy, such as an Arcane or Spell Damage build, where the additional Arcane Bolts can provide extra damage or card draw. While there are other cards that can generate spells, such as Sorcerer's Apprentice or Arcane Intellect, which offer immediate value or cost reduction, Arcsplitter's Deathrattle ability provides a unique advantage by adding two spells directly to your hand, potentially allowing for more powerful combos. However, its effectiveness depends on the current meta; if faster decks dominate, it may struggle to find a place, but it could see play in slower, control-oriented Mage decks that can capitalize on the extra spells.
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