
Deck Guide

Deck Guide: Quest Warrior - The Meta's Best Deck

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The Quest Warrior has been dominating ranked for months, and it's one of the best choices for anyone trying to reach the Legend rank. Learn how to use your Pirates accordingly and conquer victory!

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traducido por Romeu

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revisado por Tabata Marques

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  1. > Deck Overview
  2. > Minions
  3. > Spells
  4. > Mulligans and Game Posture
    1. NOTE
  5. > Winconditions
  6. > Matchups
    1. Advantages:
    2. Disadvantages:
  7. > Conclusion

The Quest Warrior is one of the best decks to reach Legend, and today I bring a more specific guide of this deck for you who is trying to reach the top.

Deck Overview

18 commons, 8 rares, 2 epics y 2 legendarys



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Quest Warrior has been standing in the meta for months, proving to be one of the best decks currently. The deck works through the quest Raid the Docks, which will give you rewards for playing pirates on the field.

The quest grants you a draw of weapon and cannons that deal damage. In addition to Capt'n Rokara, who summons The Juggernaut!


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All the minions in this deck are pirates (except the Rustrot Viper), to ensure the progression of Raid the Docks. Because it's a faster deck, most of these pirates cost low mana.

Among several minions, it is worth highlighting a few, such as the Harbor Scamp who draws another pirate, helping both the mission advance and the gas for your board . Bloodsail Deckhand is also a great pirate, already considering leaving your weapon at (0) cost.

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After advancing the quest and drawing your weapon, minions like Defias Cannoneer and Ratchet Privateer start to become good choices. The value and interactions these cards generate with a weapon are impressive.

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Mr. Smite is your best wincondition, granting charge to all pirates he demonstrates to have great potential for damage. In addition to being a good removal at midgame, it can easily destroy big minions that get in the way of your offensive.

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This deck doesn't have many essential or necessary spells, but three of them deserve your attention.

Raid the Docks is the pillar of the deck, without it, you can't impose the pressure needed, and you also won't have the Cap'n Rokara's gas for the endgame.

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Shiver Their Timbers! is also another essential spell, by having a good interaction with pirates you can get a lot of value of this card, inflicting 5 points of damage for just (1) mana. Being an excellent removal for minions.

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Finally, Man the Cannons is for removing small units, a good match against decks that fill the board with low-cost minions.

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Mulligans and Game Posture

Playing Quest Warrior, your Mulligan will be simple. Always keep Raid the Docks in hand, and to top it off, look for low-cost pirates (1 or 2 mana).

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In case you're facing more aggressive classes, consider searching for Man the Cannons.

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Your main finisher will always be Mr. Smite, as already said, it grants charge to all pirates, being able to deal a lot of damage in a single turn, without giving the opponent a chance to recover.

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But it's also worth mentioning that Cap'n Rokara (quest reward for Raid the Docks) is a great long-term piece. Every turn, you will gain a small advantage through the Juggernaut, until you beat your opponent.

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Vicious Syndicate
Vicious Syndicate


This deck can easily win from classes like Mage, Rogue, and Shaman. These are classes that currently only work with slower decks, giving you time to complete the quest and win.


Against these classes, there's not much of a secret, stick to your game plan, put multiple pirates on the field, and put pressure on the opponent.


Paladins and Warlocks will give you a lot of headache, they also work with slower decks, but with some mechanisms that will change the pace of the game.

Paladins manages to assist its minions with spells, and thus win every trade having a lot of board advantage. Also, in later turns, they will play big minions with taunt, you can remove up to one, but there will always be another taunt to get in your way.

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At the endgame, they will have Libram of Hope and its Heroine, Lightforged Cariel to protect themselves even more.

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Warlock has plenty of removals and some lifesteal effects, delaying your gameplay considerably. Tamsin Roame can generate even more removals to their hand, being extremely frightening.

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They also have huge minions that will be played for a low cost, such as Anetheron, Barrens Scavenger and Flesh Giant.

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Against these decks, I recommend keeping Shiver Their Timbers! on your starting hand to be able to remove a big threat on the midgame, such as Tamsin Roame or a creature with taunt.


A few notes: never keep a weapon in your Mulligan, as you will draw it in the first step of the quest.

Always try to get value out of your pirates interactions. For example, try to play Fogsail Freebooter or Ratchet Privateer only when you have a weapon equipped. But if it's not possible, you can play them mercilessly, the most important thing is to finish the quest.

That's it for today! Did you like our guide? Got any questions or want to learn about another deck? Just share your opinion here in the comments.