With Onyxia's Lair many decks stood out, especially with Kazakusan and Raid Boss Onyxia. So many aggressive lists were found in response, making the meta complete madness! Meet the 4 decks with the best performance in this miniset start.
Face Hunter
We can't bring up aggressive decks without mentioning the famous Face Hunter, right? Once again, he finds himself as one of the best lists in the meta.
It is an extremely fast deck that contains low cost minions to put pressure on the opponent. Plus lots of spells to damage enemy Hero.
Win Condition
In Face Hunter we don't find a specific win condition, but it is worth mentioning Trampling Rhino, which has a high damage potential together with spells that strengthen it, or with the Warsong Wrangler.

We can also mention Barak Kodobane, which buys three damage spells to finish the opponent.

You want to start the game with the small minions the deck offers, such as Intrepid Initiate and Irondeep Trogg. Adorable Infestation and Demon Companion are also great cards to start the match.

Elemental Aggro Shaman
Another quick deck to surprise opponents, Aggro Shaman promises to deal a lot of damage in a single turn.
The deck consists of playing elementals at the beginning of the game and thus putting pressure on the opponent. Then try to deal maximum damage with Doomhammer.

If you need it, Bru'kan of the Elements will be at your disposal for the end of the game.

Win Condition
Your main finisher will always be the Doomhammer, the weapon interacts very well with spells like Rockbiter Weapon and Stormstrike since it has Windfury.

Try to keep the small elementals in your starting hand, to put pressure on your opponent. Kindling Elemental and Wailing Vapor are great for the first turn, but also look for Cagematch Custodian to buy your weapon.

Aggro Rogue
Why not another offensive deck for today? Haha. Aggro Rogue is a great choice for players who don't have a lot of cards, with only two Legendaries that Hearthstone has released to everyone recently.
With Aggro Rogue you just want to damage the opponent, for that you can count on several stealth minions, in addition to the Self-Sharpening Sword along with poisons that grant damage to your weapon.

Win Condition
Initially, stealth minions and your weapon are essential for victory. But if the game gets longer, use Wicked Stab (Rank 1) as a finisher, as at the end of the game each will deal 4 damage (for a total of 8).

To start the match, search for Spymistress and Worgen Infiltrator. If you already have turns 1 and 2 in your hand, look for the weapon Self-Sharpening Sword or Greyheart Sage for your third round.

Shadow Priest
Why not end this list with another aggressive deck? This archetype is really dominating ranked queues, to respond to slower Kazakusan decks.
The Shadow Priest is standing out a lot because of the Voidtouched Attendant — she and low-cost minions do a lot of damage in the first few rounds.

Remembering that your Hero Power will become “Deal 2 damage” due to Darkbishop Benedictus.
Win Condition
To end the matches, count on Mr. Smite and Void Shard. These cards deal a lot of direct damage, giving no chance to the opponent.

As for Mulligan, the best card will be Voidtouched Attendant and as many other cost (1) minions as you can. Peasant is great for drawing cards, Tour Guide allows you to use your Hero Power for free, dealing more damage.
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