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Nature Shaman - The Budget Deck that Can Kill Your Opponent in One Turn!

Nature Shaman - The Budget Deck that Can Kill Your Opponent in One Turn!

Pedro Fernandes

This deck practically doesn't have any legendary or epic cards! See below how Nature Shaman became o...

guide shaman hearthstone decks

Deck Guide: Showdown Paladin, the Deck that is Destroying the Meta!

Deck Guide: Showdown Paladin, the Deck that is Destroying the Meta!

Pedro Fernandes

Paladin is by far the class that stood out the most in this meta, and Showdown was the top deck in H...

showdown paladin paladin decks hs decks hs

Standard Deck Guide - Pure Paladin - The Journey to Legend

Standard Deck Guide - Pure Paladin - The Journey to Legend

Gabriel 'total' da Rosa

In this guide, I'll explain how to play with the list that got me Legend in October, the Pure Paladi...

guide HS legend

Standard Deck Guide - Plague Death Knight

Standard Deck Guide - Plague Death Knight

Gabriel 'total' da Rosa

In this guide, I'll teach you everything you need to know to play with the Plague Death Knight arche...

guide standard legend

Titans: Top 3 Best Decks to reach Legend!

Titans: Top 3 Best Decks to reach Legend!

Pedro Fernandes

Many decks have come up after the first week of the new expansion. Check out here which are stealing...

decks legend titans hs

Deck Guide: Thaddius Warlock breaks through Titans!

Deck Guide: Thaddius Warlock breaks through Titans!

Pedro Fernandes

Thaddius Warlock received many reinforcements in this set, and is quickly gaining space as one of th...

decks lenda bruxo hearthstone

Deck Tech: Aggro Demon Hunter for the new set: Titans - Deck with 0 Legendaries!

Deck Tech: Aggro Demon Hunter for the new set: Titans - Deck with 0 Legendaries!

Pedro Fernandes

A deck with no legendaries has emerged from Hearthstone's Titan set, and it can be an excellent choi...

decks guide no legendary

Hearthstone Twist: See the Rules and the Best Decks to get Legend

Hearthstone Twist: See the Rules and the Best Decks to get Legend

Pedro Fernandes

A new format has arrived in Hearthstone, and in this article you'll understand how it works, besides...

hearthstone twist best decks deck guide

Hearthstone Deck Guide: Pure Paladin

Hearthstone Deck Guide: Pure Paladin


Understand the Pure Paladin deck and learn how to get the most out of your cards! With no nerfs sche...

Deck Guide Standard Pure Paladin

Festival of Legends: Top 3 Best Decks to reach Legend

Festival of Legends: Top 3 Best Decks to reach Legend

Pedro Fernandes

The Metagame has changed a lot with the new expansion in Hearthstone, check out the 3 decks that are...

Decks hearthstone guide legends

Hearthstone Deck Guide: Totem Shaman - Shaman is back on the Meta!

Hearthstone Deck Guide: Totem Shaman - Shaman is back on the Meta!

Pedro Fernandes

Totem Shaman is one of the best options to get to Legend. Check out the guide to one of the most pop...

HS Shaman Deck Guide

Deck Guide: Mage Aggro - Explode your Enemies with Spells!

Deck Guide: Mage Aggro - Explode your Enemies with Spells!

Pedro Fernandes

A deck that is surprising everyone in this set is Mage Aggro! Check out here how to play it and win ...

legend hs decks mage hs decks aggro mage

Hearthstone Classic: Best Decks to reach Legend

Hearthstone Classic: Best Decks to reach Legend

Pedro Fernandes

In today's article, we'll look at the best decks for Hearthstone Classic!

Classic Hearthstone Decks

Deck Guide: Frost Death Knight - A Great Burn Deck!

Deck Guide: Frost Death Knight - A Great Burn Deck!

Pedro Fernandes

Today we will look at the most winning deck of the new class, the Frost Death Knight! A deck with a ...

Decks Death Knight Frost Hearthstone

Deck Guide: Blood Death Knight - The New Powerful Class

Deck Guide: Blood Death Knight - The New Powerful Class

Pedro Fernandes

Today, we'll talk about Blood Death Knight, one of the most popular and promising decks of the new e...

Deck Guide Death Knight Hearthstone

Rise of the Lich King: 3 mazos para comenzar en la nueva expansión

Rise of the Lich King: 3 mazos para comenzar en la nueva expansión

Pedro Fernandes

En el artículo de hoy os traigo los mazos principales para que aprovechéis al máximo la nueva expans...

decks hs lenda standard

March of the Lich King: 3 Decks to start out in the new expansion

March of the Lich King: 3 Decks to start out in the new expansion

Pedro Fernandes

Today, I bring three of the main decks to make the most out of Hearthstone's new expansion, March of...

Decks Hearthstone Standard

Maw and Disorder: 4 Best Decks to reach Legend

Maw and Disorder: 4 Best Decks to reach Legend

Pedro Fernandes

Check out the 4 best decks to get Legend after the release of Maw and Disorder, which changed the Me...

Standard Legend Hearthstone Decks

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