

Traveling Travel Agency: Top 3 Decks to Get to Legend!

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Obviously, new cards always change the Hearthstone meta. Today, we'll see the top 3 best decks now that the Traveling Travel Agency mini-set has been released!

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tradotto da Joey

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rivisto da Tabata Marques

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  1. > Introduction
  2. > Secret Hunter
    1. The Deck
    2. Win Condition
    3. Mulligan - Starting Hand
  3. > Flood Paladin
    1. The Deck
    2. Win Condition
    3. Mulligan - Starting Hand
    4. Full Flood Paladin Guide
  4. > Big Spell Mage
    1. The Deck
    2. Win Condition
    3. Mulligan - Starting Hand
    4. Full Big Spell Mage Guide
  5. > Final Words


Last week, we welcomed 38 new cards with the Traveling Travel Agency, the new Perils in Paradiselink outside website mini-set! After the first few days, the meta has already changed, so, today, we'll show you the top three best decks to get to Legend.

Secret Hunter

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The Deck

Secret Hunter, as the name suggests, focuses on playing Secrets. There are so many different Secrets that your opponent will never know how you'll answer their plays, and thus they'll think twice before playing anything or even decide not to play anything at all.


If they think you have Ice Trap, they won't be able to play any important spells from their deck and will, instead, try to "bait" your Secret by playing a cheaper spell. If you force them into this position, you might get ahead simply because they'll stray from their traditional game plan. By the way, this is the best thing you can do against Big Spell Mage, which is one of the most popular lists nowadays.

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If your opponent thinks you have Bait and Switch and Explosive Trap, they'll have to think twice before attacking your hero or your minions, as you'll punish them if you have these cards. This is another way you'll be able to force them into a different game plan.

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We'll also get random Secrets from Observer of Mysteries and Titanforged Traps, which will be even more worrisome for our opponents. And that's not all: we play Product 9as well, so you'll be able to cast them all another time!

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With this setting, of course, we also play cards that are better when you play Secrets, namely Starstrung Bow and Mantle Shaper.

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Win Condition

As Secrets are more defensive, we'll need tools to win a match. One of them is Patchwork Pals, which gives you all 3 Animal Companions and discounts their cost.

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There's also an interesting combo with Vicious Slitherspear and as many bananas you can get from Bunch of Bananas. This minion's effect will make each banana give you +2 attack.

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Zilliax Deluxe 3000, with the Pylon and Ticking Modules, is a tough minion, as it has Taunt and thus forces your opponent to attack it. Additionally, it has the following effects: At the end of your turn, deal 3 damage to your hero. At the beginning of your turn, double this minion's attack.

You can combine this with Bait and Switch, and buff its attack even more. Keep in mind it'll double later on.

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Mulligan - Starting Hand

In general, focus on finding Costumed Singer, as drawing cards early on is essential.

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Forging Titanforged Traps twice is also a priority in early turns, considering it will give us two random Secrets instead of only one.

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Finally, use your Mulligan to find Secrets that are useful for your particular matchup, but, if you're still uncertain, Bargain Bin and Hidden Meaning are always excellent in any match.

Flood Paladin

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This deck was already popular, and remained so even though it didn't adopt any new cards from this mini-set.

The Deck

The main game plan with this deck is to fill your board with minions. After this, you'll play a few tools to buff them.

This deck is similar to Handbuff Paladin, but there is a key difference between them: Handbuff Paladin, as the name suggests, buffs minions while they're in your hand. With Flood Paladin, you'll first play them on the board, and then buff them.


Your main strategy is summoning minions, so, besides cheap minions, we also play a few spells that summon minions, like Muster for Battle, Showdown!, Boogie Down, and Gorgonzormu cheese itself.

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In terms of buffs, we play Flash Sale, Crusader Aura, and Zilliax Deluxe 3000. Remember, you need to use Zilliax's Pylon and Ticking Modules. This way, it will have the following effects: Your other minions have +1/+1. Costs (1) less for each minion in play.

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Win Condition

This deck doesn't have a specific win condition. Just focus on playing your cards to create the biggest board possible in each situation. Combine the minions you summon with your buffs as best as you can.

Mulligan - Starting Hand

To buff your minions, you'll need to put them in play first. So, don't focus on buffs early on. I highly recommend you look for 1 and 2 cost minions - that's how you start putting pressure on your opponent as soon as the game starts.

Gorgonzormu is also a great choice, and the sooner you play it, the more cheese you'll have. Muster for Battle and Boogie Down are also great options for your mid-game turns.

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If you're against an aggro list, I highly recommend you look for Prismatic Beam, as this spell will save you!

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Full Flood Paladin Guide

If you're interested in this deck, how about checking our Flood Paladin guide? In this guide, we go through all the cards and strategies in this list. Even though we wrote it before the mini-set was released, it is still very accurate because this list currently doesn't play any card from Traveling Travel Agency. Just click herelink outside website if you want to check it out!

Big Spell Mage

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Perils in Paradise was a great set for Big Spell Mage, but it wasn't enough to make it stand out in tier lists. This changed after Traveling Travel Agency came along, as one of its legendary cards fit this deck perfectly.

Today, this list has the highest win rate in HS Replay.

The Deck

This deck's main game plan is to lean on the potential of expensive, but extremely powerful spells. To do that, we'll play a few cards that discount their cost, like Sea Shill, or even cards that let us cast these spells again, like Surfalopod and Conniving Conman.

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You may have thought the fact we play Rogue decks in a Mage deck is weird, but, thanks to Portalmancer Skyla's Rogue Tourist keyword, we can do that. Skyla was a very welcome addition from the mini-set.

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Its effect, which swaps the cost of two spells in your hand, will let you cast your spells for much cheaper. You can play her when you have a Tsunami and a Coin in hand, for instance, and this way cast Tsunami for free, literally.


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Win Condition

Your win conditions are your big spells, Sunset Volley and Tsunami. The only question is how you'll use them.

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An interesting combo is playing Surfalopod and then Watercolor Artist. This way, you'll draw Tsunami and cast it automatically, for no cost at all.

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But there are also other ways to play this spell, like playing the Coins from Metal Detector and Greedy Partner to get more mana, or just using them with Portalmancer Skyla to make your other spells cheaper.

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Mulligan - Starting Hand

This deck's mulligan is quite simple: look for your 1-cost minions, as well as Gold Panner and Greedy Partner.

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The most consistent way to discount your spells is Portalmancer Skyla, so I highly recommend you keep her if you draw her in your starting hand.

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Full Big Spell Mage Guide

If you want to find out more about Big Spell Mage, consider checking out our in-depth guide. We wrote this article this week, with the new additions from the mini-set! Just click here if you'd like to check it outlink outside website.

Final Words

I hope this article helped you find the perfect list to get to Legend. The decks we mentioned here are the top 3 best decks in Hearthstone right now according to HS Replay, and have the highest win rates.

Which one was your favorite? Tell us your thoughts in our comment section below.

Thank you for reading, and see you next time!