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Pedro Fernandes
Grunter Hunter has been standing out in the last few weeks for its high win rate. In this article, w...
hearthstone standard hunter warrior decks
Hero Power Druid got a breath of fresh air after Heroes of StarCraft came along! Today, we'll show y...
druid decks standard hearthstone
Zerg Death Knight is one of the most consistent decks with Heroes of StarCraft. Let's learn how to p...
zerg death knight deck tech hearthstone
Terran Shaman is one of the most recent, as well as most powerful, decks that Heroes of StarCraft ga...
terran shaman decks heroes of starcraft hearthstone
Dungar Druid, which is dominating the meta, is the newest version of the iconic Druid Ramp/Control! ...
dungar druid deck tech hearthstone standard
Protoss Mage was one of the most popular decks in the first week of Heroes of StarCraft. In today's ...
protoss mage hearthstone mage standard
Tourist Paladin has become very popular and powerful in the current meta. In this article, we'll sho...
hearthstone standard paladin rogue
Learn how to play Weapon Rogue, a great option for free-to-play players. This deck doesn't have any ...
budget hearthstone standard
After the last balance patch, Mech Rogue conquered some space and became the best budget deck if you...
mech rogue decks hearthstone legend
One of the most popular classes in Hearthstone right now is Hunter, and some of the most powerful me...
decks hunter hearthstone
Shaman is the most popular class after The Great Dark Beyond set came out, and there are many powerf...
ranking shaman hearthstone
After Big Spell Mage's popularity soared, Secret Hunter has returned as an answer, as it is efficien...
secret hunter decks hearthstone hunter
The Perils in Paradise meta has changed a lot now that the new mini-set, Traveling Travel Agency, ha...
big spell mage decks hearthstone
This deck is one of Wild's crown jewels right now! In this article, we'll show you how to play Pirat...
pirate demon hunter wild hearthstone deck
Check out another Elemental deck that has been in the spotlight in the past few days. Learn today ho...
guide shaman hearthstone
Flood Paladin is the best deck in this expansion according to the numbers! So, today, I'll show you ...
flood paladin decks hearthstone
This deck has no epics or legendaries! Elemental Mage is the perfect tier 1 deck for a F2P player!
elemental mage budget deck hearthstone
This deck practically doesn't have any legendary or epic cards! See below how Nature Shaman became o...
guide shaman hearthstone decks