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Pedro Fernandes
Into the Emerald Dream will be released on March 25th. In this article, check out the best cards and...
hearthstone cards new set
Heroes of StarCraft changed the Hearthstone meta entirely. Today, we'll show you the 3 best decks to...
hearthstone heroes of starcraft standard
Terran, Zerg, or Protoss - pick your side! StarCraft has finally come to Hearthstone as a mini-set t...
hearthstone heroes of starcraft review
After the last balance patch, Mech Rogue conquered some space and became the best budget deck if you...
mech rogue decks hearthstone legend
In this article, check out the top three best decks to get to Legend from the first week of the Grea...
decks hearthstone legend
The Traveling Travel Agency mini-set brought us new cards! Check out which ones will affect the meta...
mini-set hearthstone new cards
João "Jam" Barros
Discover the similarities between Hearthstone and Magic: The Gathering expansions! Is it just a big ...
Hearhtstone Magic Set Expansion Card
Gabriel 'total' da Rosa
The new set is here! If you still haven't found time to analyze the new cards, and want to create yo...
opinion hearthstone economy
In this article, we compiled and analyzed data from the "HS Set Review" website to bring to you the ...
set hearthstone highlight
We've reached the last release of the Year of the Wolf! In this analysis, we'll see the cards added ...
hearthstone deepholm miniset
A deck with no legendaries has emerged from Hearthstone's Titan set, and it can be an excellent choi...
decks guide no legendary
With the new set coming, everyone has their eyes set on extra packs!
news hearthstone new set titans
Festival of Legends has just been announced, and soon we'll have the latest Hearthstone set! In this...
Hearthstone interview set festival
Hearthstone's new update comes in with 38 new cards from the mini-set, "Return to Naxxaramas", updat...
news hearthstone mini-set arena
The court is in session! The Cards Realm jury will judge the 35 cards from the Maw and Disorder mini...
Hearthstone Review Mini Set