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Che cos'è Hearthstone?

Hearthstone è un popolare gioco di carte collezionabili digitale creato da Blizzard Entertainment. I giocatori costruiscono mazzi di carte che rappresentano varie creature, incantesimi e abilità per combattere l'uno contro l'altro. Il gioco presenta un gameplay strategico, una varietà di meccaniche delle carte e aggiornamenti frequenti per mantenere l'esperienza fresca e coinvolgente per i giocatori. Sul sito web di Cards Realm, gli appassionati di Hearthstone possono connettersi con altri gioca

Articoli di tendenza

Standard Deck Guide: Weapon Rogue - No Legendaries!

Check it out!

Standard Deck Guide: Weapon Rogue - No Legendaries!

Standard Deck Tech: Terran Shaman - Create Huge Starships and Win the Game!

Let's fly!

Standard Deck Tech: Terran Shaman - Create Huge Starships and Win the Game!

Standard Deck Guide: Hero Power Druid - Now with StarCraft!

Hero Power Druid!

Standard Deck Guide: Hero Power Druid - Now with StarCraft!

Standard Deck Tech: Dungar Druid - Unbeatable Control!

Druid deck tech!

Standard Deck Tech: Dungar Druid - Unbeatable Control!

Standard Deck Guide: Protoss Mage - A Defensive Deck with Heroes of StarCraft!

Let's explore Protoss Mage!

Standard Deck Guide: Protoss Mage - A Defensive Deck with Heroes of StarCraft!

Deck Guide: Showdown Paladin, the Deck that is Destroying the Meta!

Guide: Showdown Paladin!

Deck Guide: Showdown Paladin, the Deck that is Destroying the Meta!

Deck Guide: Flood Paladin - Dominating the Perils in Paradise Meta

How to play Flood Paladin!

Deck Guide: Flood Paladin - Dominating the Perils in Paradise Meta

Strongest Hearthstone deck from each year!

Historic decks1

Strongest Hearthstone deck from each year!

Analysis: Delve into Deepholm Mini-Set

Carry on Excavating!

Analysis: Delve into Deepholm Mini-Set

Hearthstone’s Datamined: Dual-type Minions, QoF changes and Skins!

New data leaked!

Hearthstone’s Datamined: Dual-type Minions, QoF changes and Skins!

Quiz: How much do you know about Hearthstone?

hearthstone quiz

Quiz: How much do you know about Hearthstone?

Standard Deck Guide - Plague Death Knight

Make them suffer!

Standard Deck Guide - Plague Death Knight

The Great Dark Beyond: Top 3 Shaman Decks!

Only the best!

The Great Dark Beyond: Top 3 Shaman Decks!

Hearthstone Community Bands Together To Get Maximum Value Out Of New Expansion

Everybody now!

Hearthstone Community Bands Together To Get Maximum Value Out Of New Expansion

Hearthstone Deck Guide: Totem Shaman - Shaman is back on the Meta!

Totem Shaman Deck Guide

Hearthstone Deck Guide: Totem Shaman - Shaman is back on the Meta!

Hearthstone Classic: Best Decks to reach Legend

Hearthstone Classic

Hearthstone Classic: Best Decks to reach Legend

Maw and Disorder: 4 Best Decks to reach Legend

Decks to reach Legend

Maw and Disorder: 4 Best Decks to reach Legend

Deck Guide: Pirate Rogue – Surprise your opponents!

Pirate Rogue Handbook

Deck Guide: Pirate Rogue – Surprise your opponents!

Deck Guide: Mech Paladin – Voyage to the Sunken City

Voyage to the Sunken City

Deck Guide: Mech Paladin – Voyage to the Sunken City

HS: Interview with Páscoa, first Brazilian to go to the World Championship

Grandmasters Páscoa

HS: Interview with Páscoa, first Brazilian to go to the World Championship

Blizzard Devs Interview: Showdown in the Badlands

Draw and shoot first!

Blizzard Devs Interview: Showdown in the Badlands

Best and Worst Cards from Whizbang's Workshop!

The new cards, rated by the community!

Best and Worst Cards from Whizbang's Workshop!

Hearthstone Patch 29.2.2 - Review of all Buffs and Nerfs

Nerfs, buffs, and everything in between!

Hearthstone Patch 29.2.2 - Review of all Buffs and Nerfs

Masters Tour Summer 2024: All Decks, Lineups, and Meta

Masters Tour Summer 2024!

Masters Tour Summer 2024: All Decks, Lineups, and Meta
