Facebook Pixel image Cards Realm, Train your game | Hearthstone HS

それは何ですか Hearthstone?

Hearthstoneは、Blizzard Entertainmentによって作成された人気のあるデジタルコレクタブルカードゲームです。プレイヤーは、さまざまなクリーチャー、呪文、能力を表すカードのデッキを構築し、互いに戦います。ゲームには戦略的なゲームプレイ、さまざまなカードメカニクス、そしてプレイヤーにとって新鮮で魅力的な体験を維持するための頻繁なアップデートが特徴です。Cards Realmウェブサイトでは、Hearthstoneファンは他のプレイヤーとつながり、カードを共有したり交換したり、最新のニュースやイベントをチェックしたり、スキルを披露して報酬を競い合うトーナメントに参加したりすることができます。


Deck Guide: Mech Rogue - One of the Cheapest & Strongest Decks From the New Set

Mech Rogue!

Deck Guide: Mech Rogue - One of the Cheapest & Strongest Decks From the New Set

Masters Tour Summer 2024: All Decks, Lineups, and Meta

Masters Tour Summer 2024!

Masters Tour Summer 2024: All Decks, Lineups, and Meta

The Great Dark Beyond: Top 3 Shaman Decks!

Only the best!

The Great Dark Beyond: Top 3 Shaman Decks!

Standard Deck Guide - Plague Death Knight

Make them suffer!

Standard Deck Guide - Plague Death Knight

Deck Guide: Showdown Paladin, the Deck that is Destroying the Meta!

Guide: Showdown Paladin!

Deck Guide: Showdown Paladin, the Deck that is Destroying the Meta!

How Do I Improve My Skills in Hearthstone?

More skills

How Do I Improve My Skills in Hearthstone?

Hearthstone Battlegrounds: A Guide to Tier 1 Minions

Tier 1 Minions

Hearthstone Battlegrounds: A Guide to Tier 1 Minions

Hearthstone Announces New Mode: Battleground Duos!


Hearthstone Announces New Mode: Battleground Duos!

Hearthstone: Ranking all 11 Gifts

A trojan gift?

Hearthstone: Ranking all 11 Gifts

Hearthstone Patch 29.2.2 - Review of all Buffs and Nerfs

Nerfs, buffs, and everything in between!

Hearthstone Patch 29.2.2 - Review of all Buffs and Nerfs

Strongest Hearthstone deck from each year!

Historic decks1

Strongest Hearthstone deck from each year!

Deck Guide: Elemental Mage - The Best Budget Deck with the New Expansion

How to play Elemental Mage!

Deck Guide: Elemental Mage - The Best Budget Deck with the New Expansion

Hearthstone: Patch 31.0.3 Review (All New Balance Changes)

Nerfs and buffs!

Hearthstone: Patch 31.0.3 Review (All New Balance Changes)

The Great Dark Beyond: 3 Best Hunter Decks!

Check it out!

The Great Dark Beyond: 3 Best Hunter Decks!

Top 5 Most Similar Expansions between Hearthstone and Magic: The Gathering

Almost too similar...

Top 5 Most Similar Expansions between Hearthstone and Magic: The Gathering

Hearthstone Mercenaries: Better farm and bounties comps

Mercenaries Comps

Hearthstone Mercenaries: Better farm and bounties comps

HS: Interview with Páscoa, first Brazilian to go to the World Championship

Grandmasters Páscoa

HS: Interview with Páscoa, first Brazilian to go to the World Championship

Deck Guide: Pirate Rogue – Surprise your opponents!

Pirate Rogue Handbook

Deck Guide: Pirate Rogue – Surprise your opponents!

Hearthstone: How to create and build your own deck

Deckbuilding HS

Hearthstone: How to create and build your own deck

March of the Lich King: Interview with Blizzard's devs

Secrets revealed!

March of the Lich King: Interview with Blizzard's devs

March of the Lich King: 3 Decks to start out in the new expansion

March of the Lich King

March of the Lich King: 3 Decks to start out in the new expansion

Deck Guide: Frost Death Knight - A Great Burn Deck!

Frost Death Knight

Deck Guide: Frost Death Knight - A Great Burn Deck!

Deck Guide: Mage Aggro - Explode your Enemies with Spells!

Aggro Mage Guide

Deck Guide: Mage Aggro - Explode your Enemies with Spells!

Festival of Legends: New Set and Dev Interview

It's time for the Festival!

Festival of Legends: New Set and Dev Interview
