Druid comes very strong in the current meta, it's working very well with fast and aggressive cards. Today the protagonist will be the Druid Aggro deck, but I also recommend the Beast Druid.
Aggro Druid Overview
Vibrant Squirrel can replace Irondeep Trogg, it's totally up to your personal taste.
Intended to put pressure on, the Druid Aggro has the potential to quickly defeat his opponents. It's a very simple deck to pilot, where you want to play a lot of small minions to do a lot of damage in the early turns.

Since all your minions cost a maximum of (3) mana, Drek'Thar becomes a great choice as it helps you fill up the table quickly.

Aggro Druid offers any options for the first turn, such as Druid of the Reef or Peasant. Irondeep Trogg is also great for starting the game.

There are also a lot of Taunt minions on this list, Bonechewer Brawler and Encumbered Pack Mule are great examples. They interact directly with Razormane Battleguard.

Clawfury Adept grants 1 Attack to other allies (including your Hero), it has great damage potential as you will almost always have a full table.

To protect your most important minions, use Guardian Augmerchant. He is also a small unit to “poke” the opponent.

Finally, Oracle of Elune will be able to duplicate the minions you play, allowing absurd attacks on the opponent. In addition to Drek'Thar which summons two units from your deck.

Except for Composting, all Druid Aggro spells are for strengthening your minions.
Adorable Infestation is great for early turns as it only costs (1) and will still spawn a 1/1 Cub on your field and in your hand. Use it on minions you want to protect, such as Peasant.

Mark of the Spikeshell and Mark of the Wild also serve to buff allies, remember to use Mark of the Spikeshell on a minion with Taunt, to grant more "gas" to your hand.

Its only buff in area is Arbor up, so use it wisely, to get a lot of value out of the card.

Aggressive decks often suffer when they run out of cards, so 2 Composting is required. So you will be able to buy up to 7 cards over the turns.

Mulligan and Game Posture
For your starting hand, try to keep as many cost cards as possible (1), preferably Peasant.
But it's also worth looking for Razormane Battleguard along with one or more Taunt. If you start with Coin, you can play it right on the first turn.

About the Game Posture, it should already be very clear that you will be aggressive, right!? Drop as many units as possible and ignore exchanges, always focus on your opponent's Hero. Spend your resources without fear, the important thing is not to give the opponent a chance.
Win Condition
Often just the table pressure is enough to win a game, without anything very specific.
But in some cases, Arbor up will be a great way to end a match, as it provides 2 Attack for every minion on the field. If you control 7 minions, Arbor up will increase your damage by 14 points. Always think before using this card, as it works as a finisher.


Note: The Druid Aggro is not on the table because it is very similar to the Beast Druid, so we will use this deck as a base.
It goes well against decks that don't contain a large number of removals, such as Quest Warrior, Ramp Druid and against Rogues or Mages in general. In these matchups, just follow your game model, fill your table and win quickly.
Don't worry if you're going to face a Taunt Druid, a Quest Hand Warlock or a Burn Shaman.
In the case of the Taunt Druid, you should be even more aggressive and be lucky that he doesn't have any big Taunt on hand. It will be impossible to attack the enemy Hero without first destroying the *Taunt, which is why this matchup is so difficult to win.
Burn Shamann and Quest Hand Warlock contain a lot of removals, in these clashes, try to keep Oracle of Elune to double your minions, so the opponent will have to spend more resources to deal with your table. Save some cards for when you think your opponent will run out of resources.
That's it for today! What do you think of this aggressive version of the Druid? Let's chat in the comments!
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