姓名 | 大博學者洛摩斯 |
图案 | Grand Magister Rommath |
类型 | Minion |
描述 | 戰吼:重新施放你本賽局施放的所有非起始套牌的法術 |
Flavor | 一個強大的法師必須精通三種能力,火焰、冰霜和微積分。 |
艺术家 | Valeria Styajkina |
版 | 「進擊吧!巫妖王」 #84003 |
Wallpaper | download |
图片 | download |
No Rank
姓名 | 大博學者洛摩斯 |
图案 | Grand Magister Rommath |
类型 | Minion |
描述 | 戰吼:重新施放你本賽局施放的所有非起始套牌的法術 |
Flavor | 一個強大的法師必須精通三種能力,火焰、冰霜和微積分。 |
艺术家 | Valeria Styajkina |
版 | 「進擊吧!巫妖王」 #84003 |
Wallpaper | download |
图片 | download |
No Rank
大博學者洛摩斯, Minion, 设计者 Valeria Styajkina 首次发布于 Dec, 2022 在编辑中 March of the Lich King.
大魔导师罗玛 would be most beneficial in a spell-heavy Mage deck that focuses on generating spells throughout the game. While the card has potential to provide additional value by recasting spells, it may not be as efficient as other high-cost Mage cards like Puzzle Box of Yogg-Saron or Power of Creation, which offer more immediate impact on the board. However, in a deck specifically designed to maximize spell generation, Grand Magister Rommath could see play as a fun and unique addition for players looking to experiment with spell recursion strategies.
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