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Pedro Fernandes
A new format has arrived in Hearthstone, and in this article you'll understand how it works, besides...
hearthstone twist best decks deck guide
Understand the Pure Paladin deck and learn how to get the most out of your cards! With no nerfs sche...
Deck Guide Standard Pure Paladin
The Metagame has changed a lot with the new expansion in Hearthstone, check out the 3 decks that are...
Decks hearthstone guide legends
Totem Shaman is one of the best options to get to Legend. Check out the guide to one of the most pop...
HS Shaman Deck Guide
Gabriel 'total' da Rosa
A guide to take better decisions on your first buys on the Battlegrounds, along with explanations on...
Guide Minions Battlegrounds Tier 1
A deck that is surprising everyone in this set is Mage Aggro! Check out here how to play it and win ...
legend hs decks mage hs decks aggro mage
Today we will look at the most winning deck of the new class, the Frost Death Knight! A deck with a ...
Decks Death Knight Frost Hearthstone
Today, we'll talk about Blood Death Knight, one of the most popular and promising decks of the new e...
Deck Guide Death Knight Hearthstone
Pirate Rogue can bring you countless victories, even though he's not at the top of the meta. Learn h...
Standard top decks pirate rogue
One of the decks that surprised the Hearthstone community was the Mech Paladin. Learn how to play wi...
standard voyage to the sunkey city hs decks
The Druid has been standing out as a great aggressive class. Today you will see tips, game posture a...
top deck aggro druid standard legend
The Quest Warrior has been dominating ranked for months, and it's one of the best choices for anyone...
standard quest warrior hs deck guide