One of the biggest challenges of Mercenaries Mode is having that unbeatable composition for bounties (Single Player) and having your team at the maximum level. Check out this list of teams to help you achieve that goal.
For this tier list, we will use two fundamentals, the first one is composition performance for bounties. The speed to reach the Mysterious Stranger will also be analyzed, which grants you a task from a Mercenary, to earn coins or equipment related to him.
We started with a Free to Play comp for everyone. You acquire these mercenaries by completing the game's tutorial. The purpose of this composition is to reach the last stages of the game easily.
Here, we have Cariel as the main source of defense, blocking enemy offensives with her Taunt. Xyrella and Samuro form an extremely strong combo.

Understand the combo
Blinding Luminance is an ability of Xyrella that deals damage to the enemy and makes them lose some attack points.

Samuro's Double Strike ability causes him to attack a character, and if that enemy has already been wounded in the round, Samuro will receive more attack power and make another charge against the same opponent.

The Xyrella deals quick damage to the opponent and practically cancel his attack, soon after Samuro will enter with two charges causing a lot of damage and probably finishing this mercenary. It's worth remembering that your fighter won't lose much health when attacking, as your enemy will have their attack reduced due to Blinding Luminance.
Skills and Equipment
Use each Mercenary's coins very wisely, knowing where to invest them is essential. In this composition, you must improve the Taunt skill for Cariel, in addition to the Tome of Light equipment.

Remember to also evolve the two skills for the combo, Blinding Luminance and Double Strike. Xyrella's essential equipment is the Radiant Wand, while Samuro will need the Burning Blade.

You probably already know that a composition of Mercenaries is made with three main characters, and another three for the “Reserve Bench”. For this team, Millhouse (prioritizing Arcane Missiles) and Cornelius fit very well as "reserves" for Xyrella and Cariel respectively, while Samuro's replacement could be a finisher of your choice, as the King Krush.
The Fire team is for those who can't wait too long in a match. This composition is the fastest way to get to Mysterious Stranger, and get many missions essential for your progress in the game.

Your main team will be Ragnaros, Geddon and Balinda, but you can use Antonidas or Alexstrasza in place of Balinda.
Before I tell you more about the composition, follow this tip here that will help you even more to farm the Mysterious Stranger quests. When playing to find him, go to the Felwood stage and play the Lord Banehollow bounty, of the bounties that have the highest chance of finding the stranger, this is the fastest.

Understand the Combo
Basically, we want to activate the Fire Combo of Geddon's Inferno skill, making him to do A LOT of area damage. To activate, use a fire spell with speed 6 or faster, use Balinda (Antonidas or Alexstrasza) for this.

Ragnaros has the role of finishing the enemies that resist the Inferno of Geddon, no one will survive being hit by the skill DIE, INSECTS!.

Skills and Equipment
Ragnaros's Blazing Rune equipment is excellent, it passively increases damage from all sources on the team. And the skill to upgrade is DIE, INSECTS!.

For Geddon, level up the Inferno ability and the Mark of Conflagration equipment, strengthening the skill.

Balinda is only here to combo with Geddon, don't worry about upgrading her. But if you still want to evolve this Mercenary, the recommended is to improve the Flame Dart skill, along with the Lesser Water Elemental equipment.

The Mysterious Stranger will only grant tasks related to the Mercenaries present in your composition, so use the bank to place characters you need for quests.

Millhouse/Varden/King Krush
Another great team to farm the missions. Millhouse and Varden are intended to do good damage in an area, preparing for King Krush just to finish. All this in one turn!
Understand the combo
First, you want to use Millhouse's Arcane Explosion along with Varden's Flurry, reducing the health of all enemy Mercenaries.

After that, just use the Apex Predator skill making the King Krush attack the enemy with the lowest health, and in case of a kill, he will repeat the action on another opposing character.

Skills and Equipment
All abilities mentioned will be your priority, so upgrade Arcane Explosion, Flurry and Apex Predator.
As for equipment, we'll use Arcane Powder for Millhouse and Potion of Ice for Varden, increasing area damage.

Using Flaming Claws on King Krush will be awesome, prioritize this gear.

Following the same rule mentioned for the fire comp, make your bench available to Mercenaries you want tasks.
The Dragons team isn't one of the best at getting to Mysterious Stranger quests quickly, but it makes the list for meeting the first fundamental perfectly. It's great for those who want to get to the highest level bounties, and get to the last stages.
You will use the Yu'lon, Brightwing and Sinestra dragons, with the purpose of dealing a lot of damage and healing your Mercenaries, making you reach the boss of any bounty easily and without losing any characters.
This composition does not contain a combo with specific abilities, so we will focus on its idea. Yu'lon is a great finisher, his Jade Gust will be able to eliminate a green enemy very easily.

Brightwing can do a lot of damage with Faerie Breath, in addition to healing all allies with Pixie Dust.

Sinestra is another flexible dragon, being able to damage enemies or restore health to allies, for that use the skills Wracking Swipe and Mana Barrier.

What you want is to keep all of your Dragons healthy until Yu'lon finishes them.
Skills and Equipment
For Yu'lon upgrade Jade Gust, but also prioritize Enveloping Mist to receive Taunt and more passive Nature damage.

The equipment is the Pearl of Yu'lon, for your other dragons to resist more!

Brightwing will prioritize the two aforementioned skills, Faerie Breath and Pixie Dust. Your best equipment is the Pixie's Pouch, to increase healing.

All Sinestra skills are great for the composition idea, level up all of them if possible. As equipment, wear the Mana Brooch.

In this team, your bank will be essential to carry out the final fight of each bounty. As already mentioned, the dragon team is great for reaching the boss, but not necessarily the best for finishing him. Even more so because there is a totally different boss in each bounty, there are casters (blue), protectors (red) and fighters (green), you will never have a single composition to deal with all of them.
So, if you're going to face a protector boss (red), use the Dragons to get there, but also take three other mercenaries who will do well against a protector boss for this final fight.
Now just choose your favorite team and go into battle, I hope you enjoyed this list.
That's it for today! Did you have any questions about one of the compositions? Do you have any other teams in mind? Tell us about it in the comments. Hugs!
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