
Deck Guide

Standard Deck Guide: Hero Power Druid - Now with StarCraft!

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Hero Power Druid got a breath of fresh air after Heroes of StarCraft came along! Today, we'll show you how to play this upgraded version!

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Traduit par Joey

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revu par Joey

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  1. > Introduction
  2. > Hero Power Druid
    1. Cards
  3. > Win Condition
  4. > Mulligan - Opening Hand
  5. > Matchups
    1. Aggro
    2. Control
  6. > Final Words


Naturally, many new decks started to pop up after Heroes of StarCraft came along. We, at Cards Realm, decided to bring you deck guides for all of them so you can enjoy this new mini-set as much as you can. Today, we'll cover a slightly different deck: Hero Power Druid, which started to pop up with Groovy Cat a few sets ago, but never really took off.

However, Heroes of StarCraft brought us Protoss cards, which are perfect additions to this list. The goal today is not exactly to introduce an entirely new deck, but explore a deck that got a breath of fresh air lately, and became better with the new mini-set.


Now, Hero Power Druid is the second-best deck in the meta according to HSReplay (data taken on February 16th, 2025) - it is a tier-1 deck with a 56.92% win rate.

Let's go!

Hero Power Druid

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As the name itself suggests, this deck's main mechanic is your Hero Power, and many cards in it focus on making it even more powerful. As this ability deals damage, it is often flexible, as well as particularly useful to remove enemy minions and hurt the enemy hero.

If you pilot this deck well, you'll be able to deal a considerable amount of damage, like the image below.

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Let's see how you can get to this game state by reviewing each card in this list and seeing what they do.


We all know that Hero cards are mostly useful to buff your Hero Power, and one in particular goes with our game plan really well. I'm talking about Artanis, from StarCraft. Besides making your own Hero a lot more powerful, which is essential in this list, it also does the same to a minion, and grants them both Divine Shield.

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This is the biggest addition from StarCraft to this new Hero Power Druid list. The most interesting detail is that, if you use it with the right cards, you can easily use Artanis on turn three or five, as you can see below:

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The spells that let you do that are Innervate, which works like a Coin, and Construct Pylons, which discounts the cost of this hero.

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As Artanis is essential, we also play two copies of Chrono Boost to draw Protoss cards exclusively. This is how you'll draw this hero consistently in every match.

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But, of course, buffing your hero is useless if your Hero Power doesn't add much to your board. So, considering that, we added Groovy Cat and Sing-Along Buddy so you can deal even more damage to your opponent!

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As you need to play Groovy Cat as soon as possible because it needs to die to buff your damage, we'll use Peaceful Piper to draw it on turn 1. To do that, just always chose to draw a Beast.

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Popular Pixie also interacts with your power. Though it also discounts its cost, most times you should save it until you have more mana so you can restore your Hero Power with it as well, and do two things at the same time.

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You won't exactly be able to face several minions on your opponent's side of the board at once, as your Hero Power doesn't deal damage to all of them at the same time. This way, Mind Control Tech, Astral Phaser, and Swipe are interesting choices because they deal with some enemy pressure by removing or controlling enemy minions.

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When Artanis is in play, Leeroy Jenkins will be more than viable. A big, buffed minion with Charge with Divine Shield will be one of your main sources of damage.


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An interesting detail that very few Hero Power Druid players notice is that you can use Leeroy Jenkins when your opponent controls two minions. The reason behind this is that one of Leeroy's effects adds two 1/1 minions to the opponent's board, so they'll control four minions from them on.

This will, in turn, let you activate Mind Control Tech's effect and steal one of the minions. Always consider this possibility when you're facing two minions and one of them is problematic.

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The last minion in this list is Bob the Bartender, which is more of a wild card. Its effects can be defensive, like Freezing the entire enemy board, stealing an enemy minion, or even creating more resources or mana so you can get back into the game.

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The last spells in these lists are great card draw, like the aforementioned Chrono Boost, besides Arkonite Revelation, Frost Lotus Seedling, and Spread the Word. Each one is quite different: one is cheaper, the other discounts the cost of the cards you draw, and another gives your hero extra armor.

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Cactus Construct is another way to create more resources in your hand, but it will also give you a keyword, which can be helpful in many situations.

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Win Condition

To make your Hero Power powerful enough to end games easily, I highly recommend you open with Artanis, Leeroy Jenkins, and Sing-Along Buddy in play. If you can restore it with Popular Pixie too, it will be perfect.

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Remember to buff it as much as you can with Groovy Cat, but try to do this early on, and not on the last turn.

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Mulligan - Opening Hand

Always look for Peaceful Piper so you can draw Groovy Cat early on. If you already have Groovy Cat, keep it in your hands!

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If you can't get Peaceful Piper, Cactus Construct is a good idea, as it already builds a board on turn 1.

Other than that, you can look for Chrono Boost so you can draw a way to discount costs as well as Artanis.

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In this type of matchup, Artanis is critical, particularly early on. Its Hero Power gives you and a minion Divine Shield, and, this way, you'll be able to fight for the board more easily and take more damage.

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To do that, keep it in your mulligan or look for Chrono Boost. But that's not the only option you have against aggressive decks.

One of them is removals, particularly Astral Phaser and Swipe, which can both deal with a high number of small minions really well. You can save Mind Control Tech for later, in case your opponent plays a tougher minion.

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Frost Lotus Seedling's armor buff will be crucial for your survival, so I recommend you keep it in your opening hand.

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In this matchup, you'll be able to set up your combo more easily, without worrying about enemy attacks. Focus on your main game plan: buff your Hero Power and use Artanis later on.

Usually, this type of deck plays big minions, so keep Mind Control Tech in your mind as you play.

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Final Words

I hope this article helped you understand how Hero Power Druid works, particularly with the new Heroes of StarCraft additions! I highly recommend this deck for free-to-play players, as it is relatively simple and quite cheap to build. It is also a great choice if you're interested in Hearthstone's Standard format.

What did you think of this list? Tell us your thoughts in our comment section below!

Thank you for reading, and see you next time!