According to HS Replay, the deck with the biggest win rate in the ranked queue (as of August 7th, 2024) is Flood Paladin - 61.28%. It is definitely stealing the spotlight.
We at Cards Realm decided to test this list and write a guide on it to teach you how to play with it!
Flood Paladin Overview
Flood, as the name suggests, is used in TCGs and similar card games to refer to strategies that give you a lot of a certain resource. In Hearthstone, Flood* is most commonly refers to when you "flood" your board with minions, similar to "zoo" decks.
After doing that, this deck also includes several ways to buff your minions. So, your goal is to build a big board with a lot of stats, similar to Handbuff Paladin. The difference is that Handbuff decks buff your minions before you play them, while they're still in your hand. With Flood, however, you should first play your minions and then buff them.
To execute this game plan, this list has many cheap minions and some spells that summon minions, like Muster for Battle, Showdown!, Boogie Down, and Gorgonzormu cheese itself.

To buff them, you'll have Flash Sale and Crusader Aura.

I'll stress that we'll use Zilliax Deluxe 3000 as well. We'll see more about it and how to use it soon.

As we mentioned before, this list has many options to start filling your board right away at the first few turns. For your first turn, you can use Miracle Salesman, Murmy, and Righteous Protector.

Our 2-cost minions that draw us cards are Hi Ho Silverwing and Gold Panner.

Gorgonzormu is a great card for your turn 3, and having it early on is essential, as you need to start buffing it as soon as possible.

Your only 4-cost minion is Pozzik, Audio Engineer. Honestly, I don't believe it is very effective, as just a few times I was able to get something out of its Deathrattle. It is a good card, but keep in mind it won't always stand out. It is more like a secondary character for your deck.

Toy Captain Tarim and Amitus, the Peacekeeper are two great minions with Taunt that will protect your board. They're also useful to buff your allies, each in their own way.

Sea Giant has a lot of potential in this deck, and many times it is a huge threat, as well as incredibly cheap.

Finally, we have Zilliax Deluxe 3000, which is a customizable minion. This means you can "mold" it into whatever you want. In Flood Paladin, I highly recommend you use its Pylon and Ticking module, so it will have the following effects: "Your other minions have +1/+1. Costs (1) less for each friendly minion on your board". It is another way we can use to buff our minions.

The first three spells in this list will fill your board: Mining Casualties, Showdown!, Muster for Battle, and Boogie Down.

Now, to buff the stats on your board, you can use the spells we already mentioned earlier, Flash Sale and Crusader Aura.

Finally, we have Prismatic Beam, a removal which will be incredibly important. It is the only way you have to deal with enemy minions efficiently.

Win Condition
Flood Paladin doesn't really use specific finishers. The most important strategy is to follow your game plan, so, play and buff your minions. You can do this by either playing Muster for Battle and Mining Casualties with Zilliax Deluxe 3000, or Showdown! and Boogie Down with Flash Sale. Any combo is viable, so just focus on following this game plan.
Mulligan - Starting Hand
This deck is quite fast. I highly recommend you look for 1 and 2 costs, as any of these minions will help you build your board early on. On later turns, Gorgonzormu is critical - it's best to save it for those turns.

You can use Muster for Battle and Boogie Down on the other turns, but I don't recommend keeping any buffs in your starting hand, as your goal is to fill the board first. If you don't build your board first, your buffs are useless.

Be careful against this type of deck. Usually, the most aggressive opponents fight your board, and remove your minions before you can buff them. There are two ways you can play around this: the first one is by being faster than they are, but you'll need a good hand to do this, and your opponent can't have a good start either.
The other way is by keeping Prismatic Beam in your starting hand, and using it to destroy the enemy board before you lose your own minions.

Other than that, follow your game plan as usual.
There are a few types of slow decks; some focus on removing the board, but others just focus on playing big minions later on.
Against removal lists, you'll struggle, and it's definitely an unfavorable match. In these cases, just hope they don't have many removals in their hand, or wait until you have enough mana to play your minions and your buffs on the same turn. This will make them more resistant to your opponent.
As for the decks that focus on big minions, if they can't deal with your board early on, they'll be in trouble. Even if they manage to play a big minion on turn six our seven, Toy Captain Tarim will handle that by making it a 1/1.
Final Words
Flood Paladin has a lot of potential, so it's only logical that it is the best deck in the meta right now! I hope you learned a lot from this article and that you enjoyed reading it.
What do you think of this deck? Tell us all your thoughts in our comment section below.
Thank you for reading, and see you next time!
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