
Card Highlight

Best and Worst Cards from Whizbang's Workshop!

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In this article, we compiled and analyzed data from the "HS Set Review" website to bring to you the best and worst cards from the new set, as rated by professional Hearthstone players, and community content creators!

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traducido por Joey

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revisado por Tabata Marques

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  1. > Introduction
  2. > Top 10 Best Cards
    1. 10 - Giftwrapped Whelp
    2. 9 - Repackage
    3. 8 - Sandbox Scoundrel
    4. 7 - Toy Captain Tarim
    5. 6 - Tigress Plushy
    6. 5 - Shudderblock
    7. 4 - Zilliax Deluxe 3000
    8. 3 - Sonya Waterdancer
    9. 2 - Baking Soda Volcano
    10. 1 - Timewinder Zarimi
  3. > Top 10 Worst Cards
    1. 10 - Jade Display
    2. 9 - Workshop Janitor
    3. 8 - Nostalgic Gnome
    4. 7 - Wind-Up Enforcer
    5. 6 - Chalk Artist
    6. 5 - Rumble Enthusiast
    7. 4 - Lab Patron
    8. 3 - Wind-Up Musician
    9. 2 - Corridor Sleeper
  4. > 1 - Cosplay Contestant
  5. > Top 10 Most Controversial Cards
    1. 10 - Safety Goggles
    2. 9 - Ci’Cigi
    3. 8 - Manufacturing Error
    4. 7 - Magtheridon, Unreleased
    5. 6 - Cardboard Golem
    6. 5 - The Galactic Projection Orb
    7. 4 - Yogg in the Box
    8. 3 - Puzzlemaster Khadgar
    9. 2 - Sky Mother Aviana
    10. 1 - Splendiferous Whizbang
  6. > The Best Classes According to Reviews
  7. > Final Words


Whenever a new Hearthstone set comes along, content creators, streamers, and competitive players assess new cards and post their ratings on "HS Set Review".

Today, we'll analyze their ratings and see what are the best cards from the new set, Whizbang's Workshop, according to them.

The cards were rated from 1 to 4 stars. Keep in mind that each reviewer uses their own criteria for the ratings.

If you want to review the new cards as well, just click herelink outside website. As a matter of fact, "Pocket Train", the current Hearthstone World Champion, also reviewed the new cards.


Some reviews were given during live broadcasts, and some streamers allowed their chat to influence their ratings. So, the actual number of reviews might be much higher, and might not be accurately represented on this website.

We'll also approach the deviation between the ratings given by reviewers. This number represents the average number of stars given to a specific card. For example, if a card has 2 stars and a 0,5 standard deviation, this means most reviewers gave that card from 1,5 to 2,5 stars, but the average rating was 2.

Note: The data we used as a base for this article was collected on March 14th, 2024, and might change according to the total number of ratings in the database.

Top 10 Best Cards

10 - Giftwrapped Whelp

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Giftwrapped Whelp had an average of 3,5 stars with a standard deviation of 0,74 stars.

My Rating

Rating: ★★★★

Giftwrapped Whelp is, easily, already a staple for Priest decks with Timewinder Zarimi, considering we'll have an extremely limited number of Dragons in Standard as soon as the new set comes along.

Even though it doesn't seem stupidly strong, this Whelp is in this list because it is crucial for this future Priest archetype, considering Timewinder Zarimi forces you to play 5 other Dragons in your match.

I agree with its position in this list.

9 - Repackage

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Repackage had an average of 3,34 stars with a standard deviation of 0,69 stars.

My Rating

Rating: ★★★

This spell is fascinating and seems to have a very long shelf-life. However, considering Priest decks probably won't focus only on controlling the enemy board with spells, it might be a bit weird once the next set comes along.

From June 2024 onwards, with the new sets, this card might become extremely popular and strong, but, for now, as we'll all be playing Priest and Dragons, we won't be playing Repackage that much.

I disagree with its position in this list.

8 - Sandbox Scoundrel

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Sandbox Scoundrel had an average of 3,35 stars with a standard deviation of 0,83 stars.

My Rating

Rating: ★★★★

Sandbox Scoundrel, to me, is one of the most powerful cards in this new set, considering it allows you to combo effortlessly from turn 5 onwards with its Miniaturize effect.

You can save its "Mini" for the next turn and activate combos for just 1 mana by reducing the cost of your next card by 3, which is extremely powerful.

I believe Sandbox Scoundrel could occupy a higher position in this list.

7 - Toy Captain Tarim

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Toy Captain Tarim had an average of 3,36 stars with a standard deviation of 0,76 stars.

My Rating

Rating: ★★★

Toy Captain Tarim might be the card I disagree with the most in this list. Even though it is strong, it might not deserve a stop among the top 10 best-rated cards.

This card's greatest strength comes from its "Mini", which changes an enemy unit's stats to 1/1. However, first you'll need to play Toy Captain Tarim on the board for 5 mana and change a unit's stats to 3/7, which can be a bit challenging.


Even though it is a strong effect if you use it on one of your minions, even more if your Tarim is buffed, Paladin might have better plays available on turn 5.

I disagree with its position in this list: this card shouldn't be among the top 10 best-rated cards, even though it is strong.

6 - Tigress Plushy

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Tigress Plushy had an average of 3,42 stars with a standard deviation of 0,76 stars.

My Rating

Rating: ★★★★

Tigress Plushy is, to me, the best Paladin card in this entire set. It is strong because you can play it early, and you can use its "Mini" on turn 3 if you play it on curve. Paladin can buff units very easily, and buffing a 1-cost minion with Divine Shield, Rush, and Lifesteal can be essential to control the enemy board.

I agree with its position in this list.

5 - Shudderblock

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Shudderblock had an average of 3,45 stars with a standard deviation of 0,79 stars.

My Rating

Rating: ★★★★

Shudderblock can change the course of the game significantly in the next few sets. It will bring us an interesting array of combos (which we'll be able to play with this card and its "Mini"), but, apparently, nothing that will truly break the game like its original version, Shudderwock.

This card's true potential might become more visible throughout the year in the next few sets as players start to explore it a bit more, but, certainly, Shudderblock deserves a spot in this list as, potentially, one of the best cards in this set.

I partially agree with Shudderblock's position in this list; it might be more accurate to place it in 6th.

4 - Zilliax Deluxe 3000

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Zilliax Deluxe 3000 had an average of 3,55 stars with a standard deviation of 0,77 stars.

My Rating

Rating: ★★★★

Zilliax Deluxe 3000 can definitely become one of the most popular cards in the entire game, and also one of the craziest. This minion's greatest strength is its versatility, which allows us to play it, probably, in any archetype and in any class. This instantly puts it among the top 10 strongest cards in the entire set, without a shadow of a doubt.

I agree with Zilliax's position in this list, and I consider it incredibly fair.

3 - Sonya Waterdancer

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Sonya Waterdancer had an average of 3,59 stars with a standard deviation of 0,75 stars.

My Rating

Rating: ★★★★

Sonya Waterdancer might be one of the strongest cards in the entire set, considering it will give Rogue stupidly strong combos which weren't possible before.

This card really reinforces this class' spellslinger and combo identities. Rogue will probably be quite strong after the new set comes along, considering it will bring us several options to reduce the cost of our cards.

I believe this will be the strongest card in the set, and it deserved this list's 1st place.

2 - Baking Soda Volcano

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Baking Soda Volcano had an average of 3,64 stars with a standard deviation of 0,65 stars.


My Rating

Rating: ★★★★

Baking Soda Volcano will probably be a staple in Shaman lists, and will certainly be incredibly efficient to control the enemy board as you heal yourself. It is incredible because it is cheap (4 mana), which will allow you to play it early or play it with another card in a later turn.

In any case, even though it is one of the top 10 best cards, I don't agree with its 2nd place; maybe 5th or 6th were a bit more appropriate for this spell.

1 - Timewinder Zarimi

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Timewinder Zarimi had an average of 3,76 stars with a standard deviation of 0,67 stars.

My Rating

Rating: ★★★★

Historically, having an extra turn has always been an extremely strong effect, and this literally ends the game on the spot most times. This card can do this, certainly, but, as the package of Dragons available in Standard right now is a bit too small, the cards in the Priest/Dragon deck might not be as strong as we've imagined.

In any case, Timewinder Zarimi, in a vacuum, deserves, yes, a spot among the top 3 best cards in the set, even though I firmly believe the Priest/Dragon list won't be that strong.

2nd or 3rd place might be a better spot for Zarimi.

Top 10 Worst Cards

10 - Jade Display

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Jade Display had an average of 1,28 stars with a standard deviation of 0,64 stars.

My Rating

Rating: ★

This set's theme was reviving iconic cards from previous sets; one of them was Jade Golem, from Druid.

Unfortunately, Jade Display is a bit too slow, and wants to "snowball" the game in a way that doesn't really match other cards in this class nowadays.

9 - Workshop Janitor

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Workshop Janitor had an average of 1,26 stars with a standard deviation of 0,49 stars.

My Rating

Rating: ★

Workshop Janitor has interesting stats for its cost. The problem with this card is that there are countless better ways to draw cards nowadays which are way cheaper. Considering it only draws cards if you have a location on the board, it can "brick" in your hand quite easily.

8 - Nostalgic Gnome

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Nostalgic Gnome had an average of 1,26 stars with a standard deviation of 0,58 stars.

My Rating

Rating: ★

This card might even deserve a worse spot in this list, considering its effect is extremely specific, and this minion will certainly be forgotten in very little time. It is very difficult to deal "lethal" damage - exactly 4 points of damage - consistently in Hearthstone. As incredible as it sounds, it might even be easier to draw cards if we use Nostalgic Gnome's "Mini" form, but this won't be enough to make us add this card to our decks.

7 - Wind-Up Enforcer

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Wind-Up Enforcer had an average of 1,25 stars with a standard deviation of 0,57 stars.

My Rating

Rating: ★

The main idea with this card is to revive or reinforce Paladin's "handbuff" archetype, and bring you a Tradeable card that draws you cards while it gains more attack power every time you trade it. The problem with this minion is that it doesn't have any keywords, such as Taunt or Divine Shield, and it is just a 3/5 unit - you probably wouldn't like to have several copies of it on your board.


6 - Chalk Artist

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Chalk Artist had an average of 1,24 stars with a standard deviation of 0,54 stars.

My Rating

Rating: ★

This card might have the most toxic RNG effect in the next set, and this effect might steal games in your favor quite frequently. The problem with all of this is: "is it worth it to transform one of your deck's precious minions into a random legendary card?", and the answer to this will be, most times, "no".

5 - Rumble Enthusiast

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Rumble Enthusiast had an average of 1,22 stars with a standard deviation of 0,47 stars.

My Rating

Rating: ★★

This card's greatest strength is directly connected to Demon Hunter's strength. If Demon Hunter is strong, this card might be strong too, but, as it is currently the worst class in the game, this card will also be bad. In any case, I reckon it is fair to give it 2 stars, considering it might have a very interesting shelf-life if Demon Hunter returns to the meta.

4 - Lab Patron

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Lab Patron had an average of 1,20 stars with a standard deviation of 0,49 stars.

My Rating

Rating: ★

This card is incredibly inefficient. Gaining armor, for Warrior, usually happens once or twice (at most 3 times, if you're lucky) during your turn.

This means, you'll hardly extract any value out of this card's effect. Another important factor is that this minion also didn't get many support cards in this set to be a part of any combo, so we have another reason to let it collect dust in our collections.

3 - Wind-Up Musician

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Wind-Up Musician had an average of 1,19 stars with a standard deviation of 0,52 stars.

My Rating

Rating: ★

This card has a relatively interesting potential. The problem is that it is very slow. On average, you usually trade your Tradeable cards once or twice during a match, that is, the average amount of damage you'll deal with one of your copies of Wind-Up Musician will be around 3 points of damage, close to the end of the match.

This is incredibly slow and not the least bit strong, and will also happen at a time in the game you'll probably already be ending the game.

2 - Corridor Sleeper

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Corridor Sleeper had an average of 1,19 stars with a standard deviation of 0,56 stars.

My Rating

Rating: ★

This is one of the slowest cards in the entire game, and has an extremely mediocre effect compared to what it wants to do. It summons itself after 7 minions (yours and the opponent's) die. However, as Corridor Sleeper doesn't have any keywords or effects, it probably won't make a lot of difference in the match when it summons itself, and will go on the board on an extremely late turn, when it won't be as impactful.

1 - Cosplay Contestant

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Cosplay Contestant had an average of 1,17 stars with a standard deviation of 0,55 stars.

My Rating

Rating: ★

In the past, this card could even be an interesting "tech" card against some metas in which you'd play minions with strong, continuous effects on the board, such as Ragnaros. Even then, it would be a weak minion.


So, imagine how this card would be nowadays, that is, in metas in which minions have an incredibly high power level. Not to mention your opponent can cheat out this effect if they play a card without any value, or if they remove your Cosplay Contestant from the board with some spell, and like so counter its effect entirely.

Top 10 Most Controversial Cards

These cards have the highest percentage of deviation among reviewers' ratings.

10 - Safety Goggles

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Safety Goggles had an average of 2,89 stars with a standard deviation of 0,92 stars.

My Rating

Rating: ★★

This card can be interesting, depending on the meta. If the meta is super aggressive, it can be one of the most valuable cards to keep you alive during the match. If the meta is too slow, it will probably be a bit redundant and too weak in your lists.

This is why it is a controversial spell: it depends too much on the current state of the game to work as well as it could, and the meta is usually impossible to predict.

9 - Ci’Cigi

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Ci’Cigi had an average of 1,92 stars with a standard deviation of 0,96 stars.

My Rating

Rating: ★★

Ci'Cigi can be a viable legendary minion to fill your deck, if you don't have any other option, or if you' have to add just one last card to your deck... And that's where this card's functionality ends. This is an outright "filler".

It might even create some value for you during the match, but it will hardly be super impactful. The deviation between this card's ratings probably comes from the power level of old Demon Hunter cards, which were extremely powerful, but I reckon this card will hardly do anything impactful for you during the match either way.

8 - Manufacturing Error

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Manufacturing Error had an average of 2,52 stars with a standard deviation of 0,97 stars.

My Rating

Rating: ★★

This spell is extremely controversial because it has an incredibly strong effect which discounts the cost of the 3 cards it draws by 3 mana. The problem is, to do this, you can't have minions in your deck. If we really look at it, currently, we don't have any good reasons to not bring minions in our deck besides this card, and a deck that only has spells might not be that strong.

7 - Magtheridon, Unreleased

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Magtheridon, Unreleased had an average of 2,35 stars with a standard deviation of 0,98 stars.

My Rating

Rating: ★

The controversy around this card might be because of its great stats; 12/12. Consider that the effect in this card makes you spend 8 mana to deal 3 damage to all enemies at the end of your turn, and that's it.

This is extremely slow, and not the least bit interesting, even more so because Magtheridon, Unreleased, even though it will "wake up" from its "asleep" status throughout the match, doesn't have any keywords - which means, it will only be a gigantic minion on your board that can be targeted by countless removals.


6 - Cardboard Golem

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Cardboard Golem had an average of 1,95 stars with a standard deviation of 0,98 stars.

My Rating

Rating: ★

The effect in this card is unique, and a bit optimistic. It increases the number of turns your auras will be active on the board. The problem with this is that any auras you play are already too slow, and Paladin will be forced to play them to take advantage of this card's effect.

If you play Cardboard Golem, you'll be forced to make another slow play, which will probably consume one of your aura's turns anyway, and like so will make you "break even" - this means it would just be better if you had played another card, considering you literally spent a whole turn playing your Cardboard Golem.

I didn't understand why this card is so controversial, considering it is clearly too weak.

5 - The Galactic Projection Orb

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The Galactic Projection Orb had an average of 2,71 stars with a standard deviation of 1,01 stars.

My Rating

Rating: ★★

As this spell plays other spells randomly, an average rating is fair. Its controversy might be rooted in the fact it costs 10 mana, which can be a bit expensive.

Even then, I believe that, if you have The Galactic Projection Orb in your deck, your list will have cards to support this effect, so, it won't be as mediocre as it seems to be. In any case, it is still a very mid card.

4 - Yogg in the Box

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Yogg in the Box had an average of 2,49 stars with a standard deviation of 1,02 stars.

My Rating

Rating: ★

Mage got some new cards in this set that promote this game style ("don't have any minions in your deck"), but, unfortunately, the cards that support this archetype don't seem that promising, and Yogg in the Box is one of them.

The controversy around this card might once again be because it is a spell that plays other random spells that can play other spells that play more random spells, and like so create a sort of "snowball" effect of spells. However, if this doesn't happen, you've just spent 8 mana to probably not do much in your turn... Which means, it is incredibly inconsistent.

3 - Puzzlemaster Khadgar

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Puzzlemaster Khadgar had an average of 3,03 stars with a standard deviation of 1,05 stars.

My Rating

Rating: ★★★

The Mage spells mentioned in this card are truly helpful, as its effect states, but they aren't as strong as some expected.

I believe the controversy around this card might be because people truly think its effect will be broken, and therefore gave it an overtly optimistic rating. Others (like me), gave it a medium rating because we understood this card will probably only play "helpful" spells which will, yes, help you during the match, but not win the game for you entirely.

2 - Sky Mother Aviana

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Sky Mother Aviana had an average of 2,46 stars with a standard deviation of 1,09 stars.


My Rating

Rating: ★★

This is another card that has an extremely random effect. Really, out of all the cards in this list, the rating you give this card might be a great indicator of whether you're optimistic or pessimistic about RNG in general. As a result, I consider its average rating to be fair because it can, indeed, win you a few games on its own.

1 - Splendiferous Whizbang

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Splendiferous Whizbang had an average of 2,85 stars with a standard deviation of 1,29 stars.

My Rating

Rating: ★★★

This is, certainly, the most controversial card in this set because most users haven't reviewed it as a deck, but rather as a card, and others reviewed it as a deck, and gave it four stars.

I believe giving it 3 stars is fair, considering the lists it creates, as much as they aren't the best of all time, are great for beginners. This can be great to attract new players to Hearthstone.

The Best Classes According to Reviews

Finally, below, we have the overall averages of user ratings, divided into the game's classes. Priest was the class with the highest ratings overall, followed by Shaman and Druid. As for neutral, Warlock, and Demon Hunter, they were the classes with the worst ratings overall.

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Final Words

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