

March of the Lich King: 3 Decks to start out in the new expansion

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Today, I bring three of the main decks to make the most out of Hearthstone's new expansion, March of the Lich King.

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traducido por Romeu

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revisado por Tabata Marques

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  1. > Aggro Arcane Hunter
  2. > Pure Paladin
  3. > Blood Death Knight
  4. > Conclusion

The new Hearthstone expansion, March of the Lich Kinglink outside website, is about to come out with 145 cards to the game, in addition to the new Death Knight class and the rune mechanic!

We at Cards Realm had the privilege of testing all the new features of the update in advance, we did a small analysis and separated the best decks to start well with the new set. One of them will even be a Death Knight. Check it out!

Aggro Arcane Hunter

Aggressive Hunter decks have always been in the meta, and this expansion will be no different. The deck's proposal is simple: attack as much as possible with small minions and damage spells.


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Almost all minions are cost 1 or 2, worth mentioning the Peasant that can draw more cards and increase the gas in your hand, which is essential for an Aggro strategy.

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Another excellent card is K9-0tron, the probability of summoning another minion with its effect is huge, literally 2 minions in 1.

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Let's talk about the spells, which are a big plus for the deck. We will have several direct damage spells, often serving to finish the opponent off in a difficult match, Arcane Shot, Quick Shot and Aimed Shot are good examples.

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The deck also has other spells, now to deal with the opposing board, they are: Ricochet Shot and Eversong Portal.

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Since the deck is also about spells, minions like Vicious Slitherspear, Bloodmage Thalnos and Halduron Brightwing become very useful, as they interact a lot with spells.

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In addition to being cheap, the deck is easy to play. I recommend it mainly for beginners and F2P (Free to Play) players.

Pure Paladin

Overall, the deck heavily exploits the Lifesteal and Divine Shield mechanic, granting many buffs to minions with those keywords. A good defensive strategy, creating a large board gradually to protect yourself from opposing minions is essential.

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The Pure Paladin takes this name because it does not contain neutral cards, only class cards (Paladin). Therefore, Class Action Lawyer and The Countess are perfect, as the deck meets the condition that these minions ask to activate their effects.

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As already mentioned, it is important to clear the opponent's threats by earning favorable trades on the board, making Divine Shields essential. So, minions like Righteous Protector, Blood Matriarch Liadrin and Elitist Snob can't be missing from the list.

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Minions with Divine Shield are already great for winning trades, now imagine one with buffs, and for that, we have For Quel'Thalas!, Alliance Bannerman and several other cards.

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A very interesting combo if you want to recover, is to use Bronze Explorer together with Seal of Blood, even losing 3 life due to the spell, you will still have a huge minion with Lifesteal and Divine Shield, recovering 6 life each turn.

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The deck is strong in the endgame, with many useful cards for that moment, such as Lightforged Cariel, The Leviathan and The Countess.

If it's already in the final turns, and you haven't found these cards, just use Order in the Court, the spell will put your most expensive cards on top of the deck. You'll also instantly draw a card, which could save your game!


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This deck is a bit more expensive and contains a lot of Legendaries. But it's a great one for those with a large cards collection, the deck is fun and has several different lines per turn.

Blood Death Knight

The new class arrived and is powerful enough to probably have several decks in the Metagame. This is the Blood Death Knight, as we used three Blood runes to build the deck.

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Deck code:


This is most likely the most Control-focused deck on this list, with lots of removal cards, and packs a lot of power in the late rounds.

There are plenty of expensive cards on this list, so it's important to take Sir Finley, Sea Guide.

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To hold the early game, we have good removals like Heart Strike, Noxious Cadaver, Astalor Bloodsworn, Asphyxiate and others.

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Looking at the list, you noticed that there are a lot of Battlecry cards, which is why Brann Bronzebeard is key to the deck.

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Like a good Control, there are countless ways for you to gain life, Blood Boil, Death Strike and Gnome Muncher are examples of cards with Lifesteal.

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Earlier, I mentioned some powerful cards to hold the early game, but you can also count on good removals towards the end. Raid Boss Onyxia, Soulstealer and Patchwerk are great examples.

The main finisher is Sire Denathrius, depending on the match it can OTK (One Turn Kill) the opponent.

The deck can only be so complete because of Prince Renathal, he allows it to have 40 cards.

I definitely recommend this decklist to everyone who likes control. The deck is a lot of fun, it explores all the news of March of the Lich King, such as runes, in addition to this deck belonging to the new Death Knight class!


I hope this article helped you choose a deck to get you off to a good start in the first few weeks of the new expansion! Any questions, just leave it in the comments!