Blizzard announced a new game format for its card game, which will replace Classic. This new format is Twist, and it will exist as a beta format until the end of July's season - after that, it will be removed for a short period of time, and then come back at full force!
How Does Hearthstone Twist Works?
The Twist format has very different rules from the other formats we're used to here at the tavern. Apparently, it will be made of many different sets each season, and in this month we'll be facing the format "New Era", which will make all sets from Ashes of Outland onward available, besides the Core set.
Check out all the sets available:
Core, Ashes of Outland, Scholomance Academy, Madness at the Darkmoon Faire, Forged in the Barrens, United in Stormwind, Fractured in Alterac Valley, Voyage to the Sunken City, Murder at Castle Nathria, March of the Lich King and Festival of Legends
We'll have recent sets from the Standard format, but with a taste of Wild, so you can enjoy past cards which were rotated out.
I believe that "New Age" is the name given to this Twist format as it makes available all sets from the release of the Demon Hunter class onward, which arrived precisely with Ashes of Outland and revolutionized the game, this way being the first class added in Hearthstone after the original release.
Each month, Twist will bring new formats, but "New Age" will still return sporadically. What can I say? We'll have a rotation of formats inside Twist!
Best Decks to Reach Legend
Now let's see the list of best decks to reach Legend in this month's Twist! I'm using as a base "New Age", which was the set chosen for the whole duration of the beta.
It's also worth mentioning that this tierlist was updated, taking into consideration the very first bans of this format. So, the deck Questline Druid, which was considered the strongest by far, will not even make it in the list due to the banning of the card Crypt Keeper.
Questline Shaman
Questline Shaman is quite popular, and, particularly, is the deck I'm using to climb the ranked ladder in Twist. It is a very fun deck which has great late game potential.
Broad View
As it is a Questline deck, our priority is to finish the Command the Elements quests to conquer the maximum reward, which is Stormcaller Bru'kan. By playing Brukan on board, all spells played by you will be cast twice.

To finish our series of quests, you need to play cards with Overload, so our focus will be to stall the game using those cards. We know that Overload causes us to lose a certain amount of mana in the following round, but don't mind that, because the reward for the first step of the quest is to unlock your overloaded mana crystals, and the spell Overdraft also helps you in this matter, so you won't run out of mana.

We take removal spells and some other useful tools to handle the game until you complete Command the Elements. Sleetbreaker grants you a spell which freezes an enemy, not to mention Zap!, Lightning Bolt and Serpentshrine Portal, which slay enemy minions.

Win Condition
After completing the series of quests and playing Stormcaller Bru'kan, we have to think about how we're gonna defeat our opponent, but it is quite simple to do that with Questline Shaman!
Remember how all our spells are doubled now? So, your main win condition is to play direct damage cards such as Lightning Bolt and Serpentshrine Portal. A little bit of Spell Damage can be useful to find that lethal, so, count with Novice Zapper and Primordial Studies.

After getting many overloaded crystals, use Overdraft; it will deal a lot of damage, and will be doubled.

Finally, if all that doesn't do the trick, you can still create gigantic boards with Charged Call. Late game, this spell will summon two 10 cost minions! We can also summon four wolves with Taunt by using Feral Spirit, which will be doubled, and we can still buff one of them by granting them +6/+6 with Jam Session.

There is not that much to say about this deck's Mulligan. Command the Elements will always need to be in your hand, and it is essential to keep it!
We look for cards such as Guidance and Sleetbreaker. If your opponent is using an aggressive class, remember to look for removals such as Zap! and Landslide.

Token Druid
One of the most aggressive decks in history is back! Token Druid has taken up the spot left by Questline Druid after the first wave of Twist bans!
This one brings nothing new; this deck's deal is filling up the board with small minions, then making them stronger and pressuring the enemy as much as possible.
We'll rapidly fill the board, as we bring many low-cost minions, such as Lingering Zombie and Druid of the Reef, not to mention Gibberling, which summons a copy of itself every time we cast a spell. Speaking of spells, we also have Thorngrowth Sentries and Living Roots to increase board pressure.

An aggressive list usually leaves you with fewer cards in hand, so, to keep our resources up, we bring Composting, Moonlit Guidance and Aquatic Form.

To increase the stats of all those minions, we have many tools, such as Herald of Nature, Power of the Wild and Adorable Infestation.

Win Condition
Your Win Condition is already quite clear from the deck's composition itself, but it's worth mentioning that most of your victories will come through a combo of Arbor Up and Sow the Soil, which increases the attack points on your board by a lot.

Basically, we want as many 1-cost cards as possible; Lingering Zombie, Druid of the Reef, Adorable Infestation and Living Roots would be your ideal hand.

But you can also keep cards such as Thorngrowth Sentries and, if you have the coin, Gibberling.

Face Hunter
Another deck option is Face Hunter, which works differently from the previous deck.
Broad View
As it is very aggressive, logically, we'll be discussing filling the board. For that, we have cards such as Batty Guest, Wolpertinger and Kolkar Pack Runner.

But, the strength of Face Hunter will be damage spells, such as Quick Shot, Aimed Shot and Piercing Shot.

Another mechanic present in this list is regarding Wildseeds; Spirit Poacher and Wild Spirits help to maintain pressure long-term.

To defend your board, we have Barrel of Monkeys' Taunt, and Bunch of Bananas's buffs. As each copy of this card contains three uses, it will be a great way to not run out of gas in hand.

Win Condition
Face Hunter is a popular list, so your win condition is very "telegraphed". Basically, we'll lower our opponent's health points a lot at first, and in the end, we'll use a mix of spells to finish them up.
Before playing this combo of spells, it is interesting to play Arrow Smith to chip away extra health points from your opponent, or at least slay a few minions!

Combos such as Aimed Shot, Hero Power and Quick Shot can already yank 10 health from your opponent. It will still be possible to deal more damage with your board and use Piercing Shot on some low-health minion to deal even more damage.

We know each damage point is very important when we're counting down lethal, so keep your eye on that; buffs such as Bunch of Bananas, Doggie Biscuit and Ramming Mount can be fundamental!

Always look for the 1-cost minions, such as Batty Guest and Wolpertinger; Spirit Poacher and Wild Spirits are also good options for later turns.

In case you begin with the Coin, or you have many spells in hand, Kolkar Pack Runner and Arrow Smith will be great! Particularly if one of these spells is Barrel of Monkeys, as it will summon a minion with Taunt to defend Kolkar and Arrow!

Final Words
I hope you liked today's article! Comment down below which other deck is showing up in Twist's ranked queue. I'm here for any other questions you might have!
Good luck on your journey to Legend!
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