

Maw and Disorder: 4 Best Decks to reach Legend

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Check out the 4 best decks to get Legend after the release of Maw and Disorder, which changed the Metagame!

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traduzido por Romeu

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revisado por Tabata Marques

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  1. > Mech Paladin
  2. > Beast Hunter
  3. > Shaman Murloc
  4. > Aggro Druid
  5. > Conclusion

The Maw and Disorder mini-set is here, and with it come 35 new cards, including 4 legendaries! The meta has certainly changed, so I've gathered here 4 decks that are doing great right now. These are great options to secure the Legend of the month until the Metagame stabilizes!

Mech Paladin

Mech Paladin came out strong with the release of Voyage to the Sunken City and now returns with Maw and Disorder. Even without using new cards, the deck is very popular and with great results.

On average, stats sites claim the deck has a 53% Win Rate!


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Mech Paladin's goal is to fill the board with mechs and power them up with some buff cards!

Radar Detector is great for drawing more minions and giving your hand more gas. A great combo is Radar Detector to draw multiple mechs, accompanied by Alliance Bannerman to power up all these minions.

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Another great buff source for your deck is the Prismatic Jewel Kit weapon, as it works great with minions such as Righteous Protector and Click Clocker.

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In addition to several early and mid-game aggressive minions, you can also count on The Leviathan, a minion with more potential for late turns.

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The deck is pretty aggressive, but if you're behind in the game, the heroine Lightforged Cariel is a good mechanism to defend yourself and even remove opposing minions!

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Beast Hunter

Hunter by far is the best class to play in this meta, the Beast Hunter deck has an excellent win rate! Most statistics indicate between 59% and 60%.

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The deck is very midrange and its objective is to curve mana, it has good interactions with beasts and with Wildseeds!

Peasant and Batty Guest are great for the first turn!

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For the next turns, we have the Doggie Biscuit spell plus more minions.

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As already mentioned, the deck interacts a lot with Wild Seeds, so we use cards like Spirit Poacher, Wild Spirits and Ara'lon, in addition to other examples.

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Midrange decks tend to have cards of all possible costs, so even after the initial turns, we'll still have good minions, and that's where the beasts come in. Azsharan Saber and Pet Collector will help you mid-game!

To clear the board and defend yourself, count on Blademaster Samuro and the hero Beaststalker Tavish.

If the game extends, we will still have a lot of strength, there are heavy beasts in the deck like Hydralodon, Mountain Bear, in addition to its main finisher, King Krush!

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The deck is very complete and contains more cards because of the legendary Prince Renathal, which is essential!

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Shaman Murloc

A very interesting deck that caught my attention was Shaman Murloc, I've always loved this deck, and today it has an average of 55% Win Rate!

It's also worth mentioning that the deck is pretty cheap, so it's perfect for Free To Play players.

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Your objective is to build a good board with the murlocs and apply pressure on the opponent.

We have a number of small minions for the early turns, Spawnpool Forager, Amalgam of the Deep and South Coast Chieftain are great examples. We have many other murlocs for the first rounds, but they wouldn't even fit here (!).


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After building a solid board, we have some area buffs to further strengthen these minions like the spell Nofin Can Stop Us and the murlocs Murloc Warleader and Coldlight Seer.

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The deck also has Bloodlust which can be a great finisher, with plenty of damage for your minions!

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In case you need to remove the opponent's board, Firemancer Flurgl is a great area removal, we also have Cookie the Cook that gives you a weapon with Lifesteal, it can serve as a small removal.

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Aggressive decks need card draws to keep the gas going, so we have Gorloc Ravager.

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Finally, in the final turns, Bru'kan of the Elements can help you a lot and guarantee victory! This hero is very complete and can help you regardless of the situation.

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Aggro Druid

We'll end this list with the aggressive Druid deck! In addition to being by far the cheapest deck on the list (it doesn't run any legendary), the deck is performing at a high level, with a 56% win rate on average!

Aggro Druid is easy to play, so I recommend it for beginners.

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Playing Aggro Druid, you want to drop as many 1-cost minions as you can to fill your board.

That's why more than half of the deck is made up of 1-cost cards, Peasant and Druid of the Reef are great examples of this.

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The deck has two spells with the Choose One interaction, they are Living Roots and Sow the Soil. So, we use Jerry Rig Carpenter to extract even more value from these spells.

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Finally, the deck has several other minions to pressure the opponent, and some area buffs, such as Pride's Fury, Herald of Nature and the very Sow the Soil that has already been mentioned.

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That's all for today! Feel free to leave your questions in the comments, it will be a pleasure to interact with you!

Until next time!