
Deck Guide

Deck Guide: Thaddius Warlock breaks through Titans!

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Thaddius Warlock received many reinforcements in this set, and is quickly gaining space as one of the best Titan decks!

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traducido por Joey

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revisado por Tabata Marques

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  1. > Broad View of the Thaddius Warlock Deck
  2. > Minions
  3. > Spells
  4. > Locations
  5. > Matchups and Game Posture with Thaddius Warlock
    1. Against Aggro
    2. Against Controls
  6. > Opening Up 85 Titans Packs
  7. > Final Words

Titans has arrived in the last few days bringing various new cards, and we're bringing different guides for you to stand out in the ranked queue during the set.

I've already discussed a no legendaries deck, Demon Hunter Aggrolink outside website, which is a great option for those of you who are free-to-play players. Today, it's time we talk about Thaddius Warlock.

Broad View of the Thaddius Warlock Deck


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This is a typical Control deck, with all kinds of removals; some are AoE, and we have from the cheapest ones like Defile and Hellfire, to Twisting Nether, which is the most expensive one, besides also including some specific "destroy spells", such as Siphon Soul.

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We also have lots of health restoration with the following cards: Dar'Khan Drathir, Fanottem, Lord of the Opera, Drain Soul and Siphon Soul.

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The deck's goal is to stall the game with the cards already mentioned, until you build a tough board with big and heavy minions to finish the game. Check out an example below:

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Let's take a more in-depth look at our list:

This deck was introduced to the community for the first time by Old Guardian. You can check out his view on the list in the video below:


We don't have many minions in the deck, but you can be sure they will make the difference tremendously!

We can tell that Thaddius Warlock is indeed a slow deck when its cheapest creature is Imposing Anubisath, which costs four mana. It will be great to handle the enemy pressure, as it is a very robust Taunt unit, and it fits in perfectly after a turn 3 with Forge of Wills, which will summon a 7/7 with Rush right in turn 4.

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Infantry Reanimator will be great for the end game, as it can resurrect your deck's Undead units.

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We'll cite some heavier minions here, starting with Loken, Jailer of Yogg-Saron: he will Discover a minion from your deck, and summon a Tentacle with its stats and Taunt. Considering we have just a few minions in the list, and they all have big stats, we'll easily be able to summon a 10/10 Tentacle!

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Dar'Khan Drathir will be essential to restoring your health. This Undead will also deal a lot of direct damage to your opponent!

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Now we move on to the star of the deck. Sargeras, the Destroyer was, without a question, one of the most expected Titans in the new set, and it is present in our list! By playing him on board, he will open up a portal (Twisting Nether) which will summon 2 3/2 Imps each turn.

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It is also possible to use one of this Titan's three effects, once per turn: "Send all other minions into the Twisting Nether", "Summon two 6/6 Infernals from the Twisting Nether" and "Future Demons summoned from the Twisting Nether have +2 Health and Taunt".

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To finish, we have two gigantic creatures, Thaddius, Monstrosity and Fanottem, Lord of the Opera! The first will make your Odd-cost cards cost 1 (swaps polarity each turn, going from Odd-cost cards to Even-cost cards), which is excellent for a slow list such as Thaddius Warlock. As for the second one, it has Lifesteal, and its cost is based on the number of cards we have in our deck.


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For the early turns, we have specific removals, such as Mortal Coil and Drain Soul. Keep in mind that the second one has Lifesteal too. We also have AoE removal, as is the case for Defile and Hellfire. This last one also deals damage to both heroes, which is something important to remember!

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Mortal Eradication is also an option to use as an answer to your opponent after turn 3, as you'll restore health for each minion killed.

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As we've seen previously, we have gigantic minions, and that is why we bring Reverberations. This spell will be perfect to finish some matches, but you need to be careful, as both the minion copied and its copy will die if they take any sort of damage, which means, in practice, they'll only have 1 health point.

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We have great removal spells which cost only four mana. Siphon Soul will literally destroy a minion and heal you by 3. As for Wing Welding, it asks you for a sacrifice: you discard your highest-cost card in hand, to deal damage equivalent to its cost to all minions, being able to very easily slay the whole board dealing 8 or 9 damage to everything.

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As we're already talking about ways to destroy our opponent's board, I'll skip to our most expensive spell, Twisting Nether. This spell destroys all minions, as simple as that!

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To finish, we have the legendary card, Symphony of Sins. Before anything else, I need to mention that there are 7 effects called Movements. When using this spell, we'll Discover and play a Movement, as the six others will be shuffled into our deck.

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Check all Movements below:

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We have two locations in the deck. Forge of Wills, which we mentioned before, will copy a Friendly minion and grant it Rush.

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Prison of Yogg-Saron has a very fun effect for those who enjoy RNG. We'll choose a character and cast 4 random spells. If one of these spells needs a target, it will be cast on the chosen minion.

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Matchups and Game Posture with Thaddius Warlock

Against Aggro

Thaddius Warlock is the natural predator to any aggressive deck, which surprises no one! Keep your low-cost removals in hand, and be careful not to use too much of your Hero Power and end up with no health. Your ideal hand should have Imposing Anubisath for defense, not to mention some removals (mostly those which have Lifesteal, such as Drain Soul.)

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Forge of Wills isn't ideal, but with Imposing Anubisath, it can help, and give your opponent some trouble.

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Remember to pay attention to your health points. Other than that, follow your game plan without much issue!

Against Controls

Now, this matchup may feel a bit difficult. I believe some Control lists can win against Warlock. I recommend you try to be as aggressive as possible, as your minions are gigantic, and it won't be easy to destroy them!

The ideal hand is Forge of Wills with Imposing Anubisath and Loken, Jailer of Yogg-Saron. Build a tough board with these cards.

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Don't be afraid to use your Hero Power, as your opponent won't pressure you or threaten your health.

Depending on the enemy list (Thaddius Warlock itself, for instance), it might be interesting to look for big removals, such as Siphon Soul.

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Opening Up 85 Titans Packs

In case you're curious, I invite you to watch our video opening up several Titans packs, 85 in total!

Final Words

That's it for today! I hope the article has helped you learn how to play Thaddius Warlock. Look for me in the comment section if you have any questions. Good luck in ranked and see you later!