

Hearthstone Announces New Mode: Battleground Duos!

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During Blizzcon we had a lot of news about Hearthstone's next expansion and among them we had the reveal of new cards, new update packs and an innovative way to play Battlegrounds, check it out now!

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Traduit par Cards Realm

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revu par Rodolfo Nogueira

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  1. > News from Blizzcon
    1. Free Card Back
  2. > Battleground Duos
    1. New Synergies between Heroes and Minions
    2. Gameplay
    3. Communication is the key to victory
  3. > Finishing

News from Blizzcon

Today November 3, 2023 during Blizzcon several news emerged regarding the next expansion of Hearthstone. Showdown in the Badlands will be released on November 14, check out the launch trailer below.

Free Card Back

Now available in all regions, Warcraft Rumble is a new addition to the game, lasting from November 3rd to November 13th. After defeating Hogger in this mode, you will unlock the exclusive Arclight card back imbued in Hearthstone.


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Battleground Duos

During the event, a new game mode for Battlegrounds was announced where it will be possible to play with a friend: there will be duels between pairs in which you will share your total life with your friend and you will be able to use each other's cards to defeat your opponents .

This new mode is scheduled for next year. For those interested, who can make it to Blizzcon, it is possible to take a friend and play a demo of the new mode right now at the Warcraft Tavern.

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New Synergies between Heroes and Minions

This new mode features exclusive new heroes and special minions. Designed for Doubles gameplay, these cards strengthen your partner and encourage teamwork.

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The matches have four teams of two players, with each team sharing a single life. Combat works as follows: initially, your teammate’s warband fights until they finish off both opponents or are defeated. If the first teammate is defeated, the second teammate’s warband takes over to end the fight. If the first player defeats both opponents, the second player's troops deal as much damage as possible to the enemy team!

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Communication is the key to victory

Thinking about communication between pairs, there will be a portal that connects you to your partner who, through it, can switch between the view of your board and your partner's board. For 1 gold, you can send cards from your hand through the portal to your ally.

In addition to this portal, players had a tagging system to communicate. They act as expressions to demonstrate your intentions of interest such as purchase, portal and questions.

In addition to being a great way to communicate with your ally, this tagging mode will make it easier to interact with other players who speak other languages!

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Do you already have your partner to play the new mode when it launches? What did you think of the launch trailer and what do you expect from this next expansion? Always stay up to date with the latest news here at Cards Realmlink outside website and be sure to check out more details about the new expansion Showdown in the Badlandslink outside website!