Today, I'll bring the best 3 decks to conquer the highest ranks in Hearthstone during this expansion. In case you don't have the cards or the Arcane Dust necessary to build this deck, I invite you to read my guide on Demon Hunter Aggro, a deck with no legendaries, perfect for free-to-play players.
Spoiler: we also have another no-legendaries list in this article.
For this article, I'll use the stats published by HS Replay, and all decks listed here have more than 62.8% win rate today, at the time I wrote this article, according to the website.
Thaddius Warlock
Warlock is always in the meta with its slow decks, based on life steal and slaying enemy minions. In the Titans expansion, the list which took over this class is Thaddius Warlock.
As mentioned before, we're talking about one of the most famous Control decks with Gul'dan, with many removals, from the smallest spells to the most expensive ones. Defile, Hellfire and Twisting Nether are a few examples.

It wouldn't be a Warlock list if there weren't cards with Lifesteal. We bring Dar'Khan Drathir, Fanottem, Lord of the Opera, Drain Soul and Siphon Soul to guarantee extra health, and stall the game until the final turns.

Your role is to eliminate the enemy pressure using these cards, besides recovering part of the health points you lost to reach the turns which grant you more mana alive. It is quite difficult to lose with Thaddius Warlock after turn 7, as you'll always have huge minions with great effects, and your opponent probably won't be able to handle it.
Sargeras, the Destroyer, Thaddius, Monstrosity and Fanottem, Lord of the Opera are some of these minions. You'll certainly be ahead if you can hold the game until the final turns.

Win Condition
Thaddius Warlock will win matches with high stat minions, such as the ones I mentioned in the paragraph above.
This list also provides cheaper cards, so we can clone (or resurrect) our giant units, drastically increasing the damage potential on board.
We'll start with Infantry Reanimator, which will revive any Undead which was already defeated and also grants Revive. Usually, we'll use it to bring back Dar'Khan Drathir or Thaddius, Monstrosity.

Forge of Wills, Reverberations and Loken, Jailer of Yogg-Saron also fit in that purpose, but each with their peculiarity. These three duplicate the minion chosen; the location (Forge of Wills) grants Rush to it, the spell (Reverberations) will make this minion and its copy vulnerable, dying in case they take any damage, and finally Loken, Jailer of Yogg-Saron grants the copy Taunt.

Against Aggros
Keep your low-cost removals in your hand, and be careful not to use too much Hero Power and end up with no health points. Your ideal hand should have Imposing Anubisath for defense, not to mention some removals, (mostly those with Lifesteal, such as Drain Soul).

If you already have Imposing Anubisath, consider looking for Forge of Wills, as this location will be able to sprout a big minion with Rush already on turn four (if used with Imposing Anubisath), which will really help you handle the enemy pressure!

Against Control
I believe some Control lists are capable of winning against Warlock. I suggest you take the most aggressive posture as you can, as your minions are huge, and it won't be easy to slay them!
The ideal hand is Forge of Wills alongside Imposing Anubisath and Loken, Jailer of Yogg-Saron. Build a robust board with these cards.

Don't be afraid of using your Hero Power, as your opponent won't threaten your health points.
Depending on the enemy list (Thaddius Warlock itself, for instance), it might be interesting to look for big removals, such as Siphon Soul.

Complete Guide
If this deck interested you, check out my complete guide on it by clicking here. Or if you prefer, continue reading this article to know more meta decks!
Treant Druid
Early on, I talked a bit about the free-to-play deck, Demon Hunter Aggro, and I told you I would bring another no-legendaries list. This is it: Treant Druid.
This deck is also an Aggro deck, and, between us, it is quite better than Demon Hunter when it comes to stats!
Broad View
Like any aggressive deck, your goal is to kill your enemy as fast as possible. We'll do that with a huge number of minions, particularly, the Treant, which gave this deck its name!
We'll see this is a very aggressive list due to how all minions cost 3 or less, except Blood Treant, which costs health instead of mana. Which means, we're willing to burn a part of our health to pressure our opponent!

Considering that, this list offers countless possibilities for turn one, such as the minions Lingering Zombie and Vicious Slitherspear.

Besides the spells Forest Seedlings, Witchwood Apple and Living Roots, which are great ways to start filling the board straight away in round 1.

We know that the weakness of an aggressive deck is running out of cards in hand, and that is why we bring some card draw. They are Aquatic Form and Crooked Cook.

Win Condition
Treant Druid provides us with AoE buffs, which are excellent ways to finish the match.
Herald of Nature and Cultivation will be the deck's win conditions. Remember that Cultivation costs one less for each Treant summoned by you.

Remember I mentioned spells which can be used in round 1? Forest Seedlings is one of them, but I recommend you wait two turns so that the Saplings become Treants. This way, Cultivation will have a 2 mana discount.

This is probably the easiest Mulligan you'll ever see for a list. Keep all Blood Treant you see, and other 1-cost cards, with Vicious Slitherspear, Living Roots and Forest Seedlings, preferably.

Ideally, you'll wait for Forest Seedlings to evolve while you play the other cards, as, with that, we'll build a gigantic board right away on turn 3.
Secret Hunter
Hunter is the strongest class today, with high win rates. Secret Hunter is certainly one of the reasons why.
Broad View
As the name already tells us, the list is focused on Secrets, and we bring spells such as Titanforged Traps, Bait and Switch, ZOMBEEEES!!! and Cat Trick. Secrets are great, as they force your opponents to be extra careful. Sometimes your opponent will avoid playing a spell (imagining that your Secret is a Cat Trick) and can also be hesitant to play a minion (considering ZOMBEEEES!!!).

We also have cards which aren't Secrets themselves, but they interact with them. We have the example of the weapon Starstrung Bow and the minion Costumed Singer.

Win Condition
As this is a Midrange deck (between aggressive and control), there isn't a specific rule - the deck's goal is to play one or two cards per turn, limiting the opponent's plays due to Secrets, and build a board bit by bit to finish the game.
Maybe Starstrung Bow fits in as a win condition due to its high damage. But don't limit yourself to it!

Against Aggros
Prioritize small minions (Costumed Singer, Thornmantle Musician and Trinket Tracker), as they will handle the initial Aggro pressure, and maybe you'll even win on board if you have Bunch of Bananas.

ZOMBEEEES!!!, Observer of Myths and Spirit Poacher can also be good plays for the second round.
Against Control
In this scenario, we'll have more time to forge Titanforged Traps, so look for it!

Cat Trick can answer your opponent after they spend all your mana. I also recommend you look for Spirit Poacher, Wild Spirits and Ancient Krakenbane.

It's worth mentioning that my experience against slower decks wasn't the greatest, and I feel Secret Hunter is more well-prepared to deal with Aggros.
Final Words
That's it for today! I'm open for suggestions and questions in the comment section, see you later!
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