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Heroes of Starcraft: 3 New Decks to Test Out!

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The Heroes of Starcraft mini-set is finally here! Check out these three decks if you want to test out the new cards as soon as possible!

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translated by Joey

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revised by Joey

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We got new cards this week! Heroes of StarCraft is an exciting set not only because it is a fusion between two iconic Blizzard universes, but also because it is the biggest mini-set in Hearthstone history. It includes 49 cards!

The meta is still a bit unstable now, as players are looking for innovating decks with new mechanics. We, at Cards Realm, have been playing the new update, and selected a few interesting lists for you to test out and have fun with Heroes of StarCraft .

Check it out!


Zerg Demon Hunter

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The Deck

This deck is aggressive, and wants to fill the board with minions, particularly Zergs. You'll use cards like Spawning Pool, Zergling, Sigil of Skydiving, and Patches the Pilot to do that.

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After you have a board full of minions, you'll buff them and take advantage of effects that activate when another minion under your control attacks, like Creep Tumor, Felfused Battery, and Lurker.

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Another great card for this list is Zilliax Deluxe 3000 with the Ticking and Pylon modules. With these modules, Zilliax will get cheaper according to each minion on your board, and buff them with +1 attack. As you want to play multiple minions, this card fits right in.

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Please note that all these buffs only activate when you attack with your minions because the goal is to be as aggressive as you can and deal as much damage as you can every turn.

Win Condition

This deck doesn't use a single card in particular as a win condition. Decks like this only focus on dealing damage, so you can use multiple cards to win.

Mulligan - Starting Hand

I highly recommend you keep Patches the Pilot and Miracle Salesman in your starting hand, as they're your best cards on turn 1. I also highly recommend you look for Nydus Worm because, though it might only be useful from turn 3 onward, card draw is essential for this type of deck. You'll need to draw more cards to play and put pressure on your opponent.

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Protoss Mage

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The Deck

After many months, Mage finally has a different Spell Mage and Elemental Mage list. The goal is to take advantage of StarCraft's Protoss cards because they all interact with each other and give you huge bonuses.

Some cards discount the cost of Protoss cards, like Artanis, Photon Cannon, and Shield Battery.

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Other cards create, or even draw, Protoss cards, like Resonance Coil and Chrono Boost.

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Unlike the list above, your goal with Protoss Mage is to protect yourself as best as you can because you'll need time to set up your Protoss cards, and they aren't cheap. So, you'll play many tools to stay alive, like cards that give you more armor or Freeze enemies.

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Win Condition

Your main way to win the game is with big minions like Colossus and The Ceaseless Expanse.

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You need to drag out the match to make The Ceaseless Expanse cost something reasonable, and making your Protoss cheaper is critical if you want to play Colossus. So, try to protect yourself as much as you can.


Mulligan - Starting Hand

At first, a good idea is to let go of your main win conditions and try to stay alive for as long as you can, all while taking advantage of your Protoss cards. So, I highly recommend you get Photon Cannon, Dryscale Deputy, and Resonance Coil.

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This way, you'll be able to remove the enemy board and prevent your opponent from putting pressure on you on the first few turns.

Keeping Tidepool Pupil in your mulligan is also not a bad idea, though you won't be able to play it on turn 1. Keep it in your hand until you can activate its effect.

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Protoss Rogue

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The Deck

Despite carrying the same name, Protoss Rogue is a bit different from Protoss Mage. This list is more aggressive, as it takes advantage of the discounts Rogue itself brings you, like Sandbox Scoundrel, Shadowstep, and Preparation. You can set up a combo with these cards and Sonya Waterdancer, considering, if you manage to play anything for one mana because of those cards, you'll activate Sonya Waterdancer's effect.

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Obviously, these are just a few Rogue staples. We also bring even more discounts if you consider Protoss cards like Warp Gate, Photon Cannon, and Artanis.

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Win Condition

Archon is clearly your biggest win condition, as it is an 8/8 minion that deals 8 damage to the enemy hero and two damage to their minions at the end of each turn.

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You can deal even more damage with these cards if you also play Tar Slick.

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However, Archon isn't in the list itself. To put it in play, you need to play two copies of High Templar on your board.

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This might seem difficult, as you might draw one copy and not find the other one. However, if you make it cost one (which is possible with Protoss discounts and Shadowstep or Sandbox Scoundrel), you can get a zero-cost copy with Sonya Waterdancer.

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Another way to do this is with Cover Artist, which literally turns into a particular minion. We added two copies of it to this list. You can use one to make another High Templar and this way create an Archon, and then use the second copy to create another Archon and deal 16 damage to your opponent at the end of the turn. You can deal 32 this way if you also play Tar Slick.

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Mulligan - Starting Hand

Photon Cannon is a good way to stall the game early on and make your resources cheaper. Besides this spell, I highly recommend you get card draw or a way to create cards in your hand, like Tidepool Pupil, Fan of Knives, and Blink.


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Final Words

Heroes of Starcraft has been, so far, a great mini-set. In fact, most of the community has explored its mechanics thoroughly and brought us unique decks with it. This set didn't only bring a few cards that made an already existing deck even stronger: this time it really brought us new ways to play the game. I hope Blizzard keeps bringing us updates like this!

What did you think of this mini-set? Tell us your thoughts in our comment section below!

Thank you for reading, and see you next time!